
When One Door Closes

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It’s been quiet around here. ย It’s not intentional. ย It wasn’t expected. ย And neither was the news that I received last Friday; notifying me that the full time job that I’ve been doing for the last four years is being eliminated in a month.

Everything pretty much came to a screeching halt at that.

ย It is something that I had buried deep in the back of my mind; the possibility that I would be let go. ย Since my dad’s retirement in January, things have changed. ย The circumstances much different. ย Still it’s a shock to the system.

I’m pretty sure I heard bubbles bursting of the plans I had for spending my tax return. ย Instead I saw that money being transferred to my savings account. Padding the safety net should I not be able to find anything in this time frame.

I walked the hallway back to my desk willing myself not to cry, or scream for that matter. ย I sentย a group text to my parents and my brother to let them know of the news. ย And then I did one of the most grown-up things I’ve done in a long time. ย I sent an email seeking prayers from the members of my small group from church.

In years past, I probably would have went straight to Facebook with the news, spewing angry words and frustration. ย This time, I was humble enough to seek help in the only way I knew people could. ย Prayer.

There are many jobs listed under my work history on my resume, but they were all obtained while gainfully employed by another. ย I’ve never been under the gun to find something and definitely not in an economy that is struggling.

I’m going to be honest. ย I’m scared and I’m a bit depressed. ย Change is not easy and the anxiety of going from a comfortable, wear-jeans-to-work-if-I-want, no muss/no fuss kind of lifestyle of work for four years to the unknown is freaking.me.out!

I know the situation could be much worse and that my boss is being very generous to give me the span of a month to try to find something. ย I also know and keep reminding myself, it’s in God’s hands.

You might not know me (Hi, I’m Bree), or maybe we’ve chatted through the comment section or on social media. ย Maybe we’re neighbors or you’ve watched me interpret in church. ย Whoever you are, I humbly come before you as well, wondering if you would be willing to say a prayer that a door would open up that is pleasing to God and myself? ย But most of all, that the other doors of opportunity, that would be easy to fill, would close.

It’s like this;ย I know that I have a great and mighty God that already has something cooking for me. ย I’m just afraid that I’ll order off the Mexican menu when it was really Chinese that he had prepped for.

Thanks friends! ย And if there is anything that I can be praying about for you, please let me know. ย I’d like to think this is a community where we can come together to support one another through the thick and thin of life. ย Blessings!

Has there ever been a time when a door closed unexpectedly on you? ย How did you react?

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  1. What a great post. My prayers have already begun, and I’m excited to see what awesome door God is going to open for you. I love your analogy about ordering Mexican when He has Chinese prepped for you! So great…

    1. Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support, Tiffany! It means the world to me to have you and the other gals from the group there cheering me on no matter the circumstance!

  2. I needed to read this tonight. It reminded me to go to others with prayer. Feeling down and felt alone, but you’re right God’s cooking up something and I just need to wait for the surprise. Praying for you that you keep trusting.

    1. Hi Kristy! I’m glad to know that this post (though at first, I thought was selfish on my part) was able to speak to you and provide a reminder that you needed. I will be praying for you and the situation in which you feel that you need the extra support!

  3. Stopping by from Fellowship Friday linkup and you’ll be in my prayers!! Speak words of life around you each day, I know it can be hard in the mist of times, but seeking God is the best answer. lots of love
    God will Give you strength
    Philippians 4:13

    1. Madelain (such a beautiful name!) thank you for the reminder of one of my favorite verses! It is perfect during this time and seeking God no matter the circumstance, good or bad, is definitely always the right answer! Thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement!

    1. Hi Ginger. I am sorry to hear that your husband is in the midst of this scary time as well. I pray that God provides an opportunity for Him and that the pathway to it is clear so that there is no doubt that it is the best and most beneficial for him, God’s kingdom and also in supporting your family. Thank you for reminding me that I’m not alone!

  4. It’s lovely to meet you and I’ll certainly keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Change is always difficult. Keep faith and He will reward!

    1. Aww, thank you Carrie! It sure is a pleasure to meet you and know that you are lifting up prayers in my stead. Change is difficult and is surely not my kind of thing, but I appreciate your reminders to keep my eyes on Him for His rewards are great!

  5. I will be praying for you, Bree. God will be your rock. He sometimes works in mysterious ways. After a long period of waiting, just as I was losing hope, I got just one job offer: the one I had longed for, hoped for and prayed for. He is right beside you and I am certain He has magical, beautiful plans for you. Keep going!

    1. Pritika, thank you so much for your beautiful words of encouragement! He sure does work in mysterious ways and so I just keep reminding myself that He already has something planned, something to provide me a hope and a future, even if I don’t know what it is right now. Thanks for the reminder to keep focusing on what He is already doing.

    1. Angela, thank you for stopping by and taking time to comment. I pray that you will join me here again soon, where I hope to provide a testimony of how keeping faith and by the prayers of so many, that I was able to be brought through a dark and difficult time. Blessings!

  6. hi bree, praying for you today. knowing this is GOD’s sovereign appointment for your life now as you wait for HIM. we have been in your position b/f and remember well the fear, sadness, pain, etc.
    looking back i also remember the major growth that took place as we learned to trust GOD, grew in grace, learned patience…something that did not come naturally to us, and survived bouts with sadness and depression we had never known b/f!
    it can be a worldwind no matter how long or short-lived the time frame is! blessings on you as prepare for this race that will feel like a marathon!

    1. Oh Martha, you’ve hit the nail on the head! This is a whirlwind and it’s been very difficult to keep myself from spinning uncontrollably. I pray that I am able to look back on this time sometime down the road and see how He was moving and that my faith is able to be made stronger instead of weakened. Thank you for the words of encouragement and your prayers!

  7. Bree, Sorry to hear about your job situation. Loved your analogy about the Mexican and Chinese food. I’m praying for your discernment on the right job. He will direct your path. Cling to Him. Ardis

    1. Hi Ardis,
      Thank you for your sweet words and prayers. Discernment is something that I’m praying for as well since there are so many opportunities that I’m afraid that I’ll pick the wrong one. I appreciate your encouraging words – thank you!

  8. God must have something even better for you, something you wouldn’t have seen if this didn’t happen. Sorry for the fear and anxiety, but I will pray for you today that you will know for sure when the next step is upon you. (hi my name is Sarah.)

    1. Hi Sarah, it is great to meet you! I wish we could have met on a happier note, but I am blessed to know that you have stepped on the scene and are willing to pray for the concerns of my heart. This has indeed been a humbling experience so far! Thank you for encouragement and I hope to see you around here again soon!

  9. Bree, I am new here and coming from “Inspire Me Monday.” You are two over from me in the neighborhood and I came by to visit, to meet, and now to pray for you, dear sister, Bree. God does have a perfect plan for you and I am praying that the eyes and ears of your heart will be beautifully attuned to His calling for you. He knows and has everything arranged for this particular Bree. I am so blessed to have come by as I needed to be able to pray for you. Not just for today either.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  10. My heart goes out to you due to the circumstance, but girl, I love your raw authenticity in this post. Trust in Him, for he truly has something better in the plans for you. XOXO

    1. Mandi,
      Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement. This post was written last June and at the end of July, I was graciously accepted into a position working with a local company, owned by an elder of my church. It has been such a blessing and answer to those prayers that were offered up for me during that time. May you have a blessed weekend!

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