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Simplify Your Life: Through Prayer (Third Edition)

Do you actively make prayer a part of your day to day life?  No?  Is it because you haven’t found a way to go about it that works with your lifestyle, your busy schedule, or your personal preferences?  


Have you tried the Five Finger Prayer?  How about creating a Prayer Pail?  Those methods not up your alley? How about a free printable set of cards that you could keep on hand should the occasion arise that you need to lift up a concern, or even praise?

Simplify Your Life: Through Prayer - breething.com




As a part of the Simplify Your Life and Start Living Blog Series, I will be sharing a variety of resources to help you keep on track with your new lifestyle and today’s resource is the Prayer Card (a sneak peek into a design that will be used for my Scripture Binder that will be revealed next week – so sign up for the mailing list so you don’t miss it!).
Today I Pray For... Prayer Card Set - breething.com


[Tweet “What are you praying for today? Write down your prayers on this #Free printable card! @breemarie83”]

Prayer Cards

I came up with this idea when I found that the bottom of my purse started to become lined with odds and ends of scraps listing different concerns that I wanted to lift up in my nightly prayer session with my Creator. Unfortunately, I forgot about most of them as they were littered under my wallet, book, keys, gum, extra socks, you name it and I only came across them when I was searching for chapstick or some other mysterious item that gets lost in there.


I decided to make a more purposeful and intentional set of cards for this purpose that had the potential to become a better reminder for myself and also a list of blessings of how God intervenes for me on a daily basis.

Want to stop finding your own slips of paper at the bottom of your bag?  Download the Prayer Card Set here.

  • Download the Prayer Card Set
  • Print as many copies as you wish on printer paper or cardstock (to be more durable)
  • Cut out each card
  • Use a paper punch to create a hole on one of the corners
  • Bound the set together with string or a key ring
Try these cards out and come back in a couple of days 
to let me know how they worked for you.

See other ways to Simplify Your Life and Start Living…


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