i see you there

Bible in hand & pen at the ready.

But quicker than you can say Nebuchadnezzar, the confident twinkle in your eye fades as you flip through those impossibly thin pages of Scripture, trying to make it make sense.

Deep Bible study isn’t for sissies!

I’m Bree, a Jesus lover & coffee connoisseur here to
help you find clarity in the ancient text of God’s Word.

Welcome, friend!

It’s easy (and a lot of fun) to buy a new Bible + all of the pretty pens, highlighters, and stickers, but when it gets down to the nitty-gritty of actually studying the Bible — it’s NOT so simple!

Not too many years ago, I didn’t know how to read the Bible for myself. It’s true! I had attended church since before I could walk but never learned how to read and understand the words that held the key to transforming my life & my relationship with Jesus forever.

But I’m here to tell you it is possible for you to:

  • Open your Bible without anxiety and trepidation,
  • Begin to make connections between the Old and New Testaments,
  • Make Bible reading a priority and even fit it into your busy schedule,
  • Find confidence in reading God’s Word through its context

You don’t have to go it alone!

Intentional Filling is here to help you open your Bible with confidence & find a whole new understanding by intentionally studying the context of Scripture!


Podcast Episodes


Pages Read


Women Served
in Studies


Weeks Spent in
Biblical Study

Course 1 - Back to the Bible Basics | Intentionalfilling.com
get back to the basics

Free Online Course

No matter if you’re new to Bible Study or just need a refresher, our online course will help you find nourishment for your soul as you get back to the basics of Bible study & learning the importance of studying it in context.

CONTEXT Method of Study Guidebook: 80+ Pages to guide you in the step-by-step process to find confidence in studying the context of Scripture | Intentionalfilling.com
how to study in context

Get Our Guidebook

Wanna read your Bible, but you don’t know where to start or how to make it make sense? Been there!
So we wrote a guidebook so you don’t have to go it alone & walk you step-by-step through reading the Bible in context with clarity and confidence.

study in community

Online Biblical Studies

God created us for community, so we are passionate about tapping into this gift as we dive deep into His Word, studying through a Hebraic perspective, to better know His heart and to develop a more intimate relationship with Him.


Women learning to intentionally study the context of Scripture through a Hebraic perspective to better know the heart of God.


  • Quality over Quantity
  • Rooted in Truth
  • Biblical Context Matters
  • Never Stop Learning
  • Seek God in ALL Things
Intentional Filling: Where Biblical Context Matters | Intentionalfilling.com

From our community

Bree’s Bible study Favorites


Thought you should know…

02. Books vs. Bible Study

we’re a bunch of bibliophiles
around here, but books are always supplemental to the word of god.
Online Biblical Studies Archive | Intentionalfilling.com
CONTEXT Bookmark | Intentionalfilling.com

04. Something I don’t do well

small talk. or ending conversations in a timely fashion.
Intentional Filling Bible Study Caddy | Intentionalfilling.com
Bible Study Bag | Intentional Filling

01. Random Fact

intentional filling grew out of my faith-based blog, where i’ve written since 2012.

03. Something I’m a Pro at

I fiercely love my people. Become part of our people + you’ll quickly find out!
Bree Blum | Ministry Leader + Community Connector of Intentional Filling

05. On the Bucket List

exploring the land of the bible with kristi mclelland as my tour guide!

Chai Latte

favorite drink

NLT Illustrated Study Bible

Favorite bible

Psalm 23:1-6
The Lord is
my Shepherd

favorite verses


Favorite TV Show

You may be wondering…

In our seasonal Online Biblical Studies, we read non-fiction books to supplement the Word of God as we seek to learn and deepen our understanding of His Word and His heart for His people.

The books that are selected focus on gaining insight from Scripture based on its cultural, historical, geographical, and linguistic context.

Each of our studies consists of:
– weekly blog posts corresponding to the assigned reading
– access to our exclusive online community for weekly discussions
– free resources and printable content
– invitation to join women around the globe in weekly Zoom calls

Don’t be surprised if you find that you fall a little more in love with Jesus, too!

Bree Blum, the Ministry Leader + Community Connector, has been blogging about her faith since 2012, and through it, the question was posed to her, “Have you ever considered leading a book study?”

Bree’s immediate response was, “I don’t think I have the following necessary to make something like that happen.”

But that’s the thing with God, He doesn’t care about how many followers you have, if He wants to use you to further His kingdom, He’ll find a way to do just that.

So as she tried to squash the idea, a whisper told her heart that everyone strives to be intentionally filled by something and that this study could help many to close that gap.  The whisper didn’t let up.  It said that a community of believers that encouraged one another could help many to find ways to intentionally fill those gaps in a manner that is pleasing to the Creator that placed them within. Thus Intentional Filling was born.

See Intentional Filling’s timeline from conception to now.

Intentional Filling believes in quality over quantity, so our products are priced in a manner to ensure you receive the most value for your money. Our apparel and study items are designed, handcrafted, and shipped by the Intentional Filling leadership team.

We have curated a number of items to help support your growth and confidence in sharing your faith with others.

Check out our Online Shop items to add them to your cart.

Looking to deepen your faith & strengthen your relationship with God? Struggle to understand the Bible and wish you could be more confident in reading its complex passages?

Together let’s explore the roots of our faith by intentionally studying the context of Scripture (through its cultural, historical, geographical, political, religious, and linguistic influences) to root ourselves in the Word and to better know the heart of God!

Our Facebook group, Biblical Context Matters, an exclusive learning community for women, is the perfect place for you to wrestle with the hard questions of faith, as well as to connect with and learn from women from around the globe who are interested in seeing God more clearly through His Word.

Join us to explore the roots of our faith and why Biblical context matters–as we pursue the heart of God through His Word, and discover that He is better than we ever imagined!

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