
This is My Story // Becky Honore

Hey, hey!

My name is Rebecca, but these past few years I have wanted to be more personable and have decided to go by Becky.  It just feels more warming and approachable, don’t you think?  Ha!

I am a 24 year old stay at home mom.  I have an amazing Godly husband (he’s the reason for my deep faith and the abilities to quench my continuing thirst for Christ) of three years, two beautiful daughters, who are three and one, and three large four-legged sons (dogs).

This is My Story - Becky Honore // The Intentional Filling Community Connection Week - www.imperfectvessel.com

I was introduced to Christ and the church when I was four years old. It was playing with a friend at a doll house when she asked me if I wanted to come to church with her. I went to church with her and her family for most of my elementary years.  When I reached 5th grade and started getting more involved in the youth and quiz bowl there was a lot of emotional damage done.  I decided at the age of eleven that I did not agree or believe that they showed love to everyone.  I felt judged and with those wounds, left the church.

With church and God on the back burner of my mind, I met a guy that I felt was perfect for me and we dated for about a year before we broke up and then again for another year after that.  After 2 years of dating, I moved in with him and started a new job.  The Holy Spirit was working a big change on my heart and for about 2 weeks I just had sadness that life was going to change.  I knew that things were happening in the wrong order, but we were “supposed” to get married. I didn’t have the courage or strength to take the steps to get back into the right order.  When I decided it was time for me to start seeking God in my life and go back to church, he never wanted to go and walk that journey with me.

Then the day came, we broke up.  I was devastated and that same day my parents came over to help me move out. After months of agonizing over this life change, I decided to stop dwelling on it and started seeking what God had for me.  That experience and pain was the circumstance that God used to bring me closer to Him.  I learned that I had to rely on God for my life and stop controlling it myself.

Three months later, God led me to the man who would become my husband.  A few weeks after we got engaged, we then found out we were pregnant.  Shame, fear, doubt, disappointment, flooded our hearts, our minds, and our spirits.  We knew that we had done something wrong and our relationships became very strained after that “surprise.”

This is My Story - Becky Honore // The Intentional Filling Community Connection Week - www.imperfectvessel.com

In 2013, I went on an event called “Heart Quest”.  This event, put on by Fellowship of the Sword, was a life changer for me.  That was the start of my journey to freedom.  The time alone to seek the Father, listen, and be still has helped me to shed so many burdens and lay them at the foot of the cross.

My testimony is still being shaped.  I still sin and still need to lay my worries and fears, shame and doubt, at the cross daily.  But I know that I am free and victory is mine because Christ died for me.  He was the ultimate sacrifice so that I would not need to pay for my sins.  I am forgiven, redeemed, chosen, and loved.

I am no expert; actually a lot of times I ask myself, “are you sure you are the right person for this job”.  I walk around like a zombie from lack of sleep, I get frustrated, angry, sad, until I am at the point of breaking down.  I thought being a parent would be easy, but I was way wrong.

This is My Story - Becky Honore // The Intentional Filling Community Connection Week - www.imperfectvessel.com

Dealing with all of those feelings has lead me to seek out more friendships. I started at Good Morning Girls, then tried another online study and then another.  I couldn’t keep up with the everyday demands of the study.  I didn’t have time and became frustrated when I fell behind, and began to feel like I didn’t measure up to the study.  Man, that’s not good!

But then in the fall of last year, the beautiful Staci Payne, what a blessing and encouragement that girl is, (you’ll see what I’m talking about soon enough) shared a post about Bree’s new book study she was starting.  I wondered if I really wanted to try ANOTHER book study where I wouldn’t be able to keep up.  But God kept pushing me ever so gently.  “Buy the book, my darling.  I’ll meet you there.”  So, I bought the book and joined the study. Very last minute, may I add.  So last minute, that I had to buy the Kindle version, even though I do NOT like reading virtual books.

The Intentional Filling book study has blown me away.  I am forever grateful for this community.  It is safe and real.  Women from all walks of life: singles, married women, young, old, moms of young children, moms of older children, they have gathered here.

We can’t walk this life alone, and I have slowly learned that the hard way. This study has been God’s way of saying “I got this baby girl. I am preparing you for the life I want you to lead.”  I haven’t looked back since.  And after two studies, I am so grateful to say that I get to be a part of furthering this amazing community.

We were not made to be alone.  God made us to be relational.  He gave Adam, Eve and mankind hasn’t been alone since.  We need all different kinds of relationships: friendships, family, church relationships, small groups, and mentors.  Seek out what the Lord has for you and ask Him to guide you down that path.

I cannot wait to meet you and the other amazing women of this community, and continue to be blessed by each and every one of you that walks (or types) into our lives.  Don’t be afraid to take that leap of faith, we are here to take your hand and walk this journey alongside you.

Health and Blessings,


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Becky Honore is married to a wonderful and devoted husband who sacrifices daily in allowing her to stay home with her two beautiful little girls and three big dogs.  Becky strives to encourage others and keep her focus and hope on the Lord in all seasons of life.

You can connect with her on Facebook and Pinterest.

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