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In the last 12 years, a lot has changed. Neighbors no longer stand side by side, now half the time they do not even offer a greeting while passing along the street. Our nation’s leaders have thrown us into a mess with proposed healthcare bills and “rhetorical” talks of war. We fear for our safety, not only from other nations and their weapons of mass destruction, but the crazies down the street. Our children are growing up in times where principles that this nation was founded upon are strictly forbidden in public places such as schools. We lock our doors and our windows, keeping the world out, instead of inviting neighbors in. The world changed that day and it appears, not for the better, but I still hold out hope for our nation and can’t help but think of the words from Rend Collective’s song, Build Your Kingdom Here, “Win this nation back!”
With the reflections faced on Wednesday of this week, I needed every ounce of uplifting power I could get, so I logged into Jesus Calling and came across some words that spoke directly to my heart…
REJOICE IN ME ALWAYS! No matter what is going on, you can rejoice in your Love-relationship with Me. This is the secret of being content in all circumstances. So many people dream of the day when they will finally be happy: when they are out of debt, when their children are out of trouble, when they have more leisure time, and so on. While they daydream, their moments are trickling into the ground like precious balm spilling wastefully from overturned bottles.
Fantasizing about future happiness will never bring fulfillment, because fantasy is unreality. Even though I am invisible, I am far more Real that the world you see around you. My reality is eternal and unchanging. Bring your moments to Me, and I will fill them with Joy. Now is the time to rejoice in My Presence!
– Philippians 4:4,12 & Psalm 102:27
[row-start] [half]Nothing’s really going right
Looking for a ray of hope
Whatever it is you may be going through
I know He’s not gonna let it get the best of you
You’re an overcomer
Stay in the fight ‘til the final round
You’re not going under
‘Cause God is holding you right now
You might be down for a moment
Feeling like it’s hopeless
That’s when He reminds You
That you’re an overcomer
You’re an overcomer[/half]
A friend of mine pinned an image that gives 3, count em THREE, recipes for Pumpkin drinks (late, mocha and hot cocoa). I’m so trying these out ASAP!
What’s your favorite pumpkin recipe?
Oh and if you want to join us, there’s still time! Shoot me a message and I’ll send you details on how to sign up for our team! Registration goes up to $50 on the 15th, so don’t wait!
Check out these awesome, colorific pictures from the festivities!
For the past two years my weight had pretty much fluctuated up and down 5 lbs, but pretty much stayed at a constant, so even though this picture is a difference of two years, it’s pretty accurate as to what I looked like in May, just with longer hair. Pretty remarkable, if I might say so myself.
I think this needs to be printed and hung on the fridge…with the caption… “Do you really need that piece of chocolate?”