
Week One // Make It Happen

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[alert color=”black”]TODAY’S READING – “Welcome to Your Start”
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I don’t know how old you were.  Maybe it was when you were still fresh faced and the world around you was full of excitement.  Maybe it was when you were a little bit older, acne scarring its way across your face.  Or maybe it hit you like a pile of bricks after you were well into your adult years.

Whatever age, it happened.  A dream slipped through the spaces between your fingers.  What once seemed so attainable, with excitement filling up all of those hollow spaces, is now only empty.  And the only thing echoing through those desolate places is fear

Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. {Joshua 1:9}

Fear, that it will happen again.  Fear, that sends shivers down your spine because you feel so alone in this cold world.  Fear, that threatens to choke any of the happiness and life you aspired to hold, right out of your blue-tinged lips.  Fear, that you’ll never been good enough, strong enough or beautiful enough.  Fear, that you will fail.  Fear.

But that fear it is not all consuming.  It cannot extinguish the fire within you forever.  No.  The Lord, your God, the One that breathed life into Adam and saw Moses through to the promised land.  The Lord, your God, the One that brought Lazarus back to life and healed and cleansed the lepers.  The Lord, your God, the One that sent the only perfect human to a humiliating and excruciating death.  The Lord, your God, who rose from the dead on the third day, which effectively demolished your sin and the power of darkness and ultimately granted you the hope of life eternal.

The Lord, your God, that breathed life into YOU, created you on purpose, for a purpose and He will NOT allow fear to consume you.

This week we embark on a journey together.  The truth is, this journey will be challenging.  It will stretch you and make you think.  It will cause you to evaluate your life and cause you to grow.  But it will also help shape you into the woman that God designed you to be.  A woman that has a great purpose and that is fully capable to make it happen!

[Tweet “God created you on purpose, for a purpose and He will guide you in seeing it through.”]

Preparing for the Journey…

[row-start] [one-third][alert color=”black”]Please add bree@imperfectvessel.com to your address list to ensure study emails do not end up in your junk or spam folder.  Thanks![/alert][alert color=”red”]THIS WEEK ONLY
Order the Study Journal and save 25% with the coupon code: SPRING25 [/alert][alert color=”black”]TODAY’S READING
“Welcome to Your Start”[/alert][/one-third] [two-thirds]Make It Happen is not just a pull up a comfy chair and read kind of book (though I think you’ll quickly fall head-over-heels for it).  It is a book that will stretch you in this new take on life.  So there are a few things that we’ll need to be prepared:

  • a copy of Make It Happen by Lara Casey (physical or eBook)
  • a notebook or the corresponding Spring Study Journal
  • an electronic device that allows you to access the internet (smartphone, tablet, Mac or PC)
  • pens and highlighters
  • washi tape or other fun accessories to decorate your entries
  • an open heart and mind

Tomorrow starts Day One of our reading, so feel free to get a head-start as we jump right into chapter one, Stop Chasing Perfect.[/two-thirds] [row-end]

A guide to lead the way…

If you’ve participated in our Community Connection over at the exclusive Facebook group, you’ll have had an opportunity to meet the fearless leaders here at the Intentional Filling.  If not, be sure to take a moment to read their stories and get to know them a little better.

Bree // Staci // Becky // Amy // Kim

Each of these brilliant women will be lending their aid in support, encouragement and love as we start venture out in this journey.  Throughout each week of the study, they will be sharing different opportunities to engage with the content we cover, as well as with others in the community.

Also to help you keep on track, each Sunday you’ll receive the schedule for the week that is broken down with activities that take place Monday through Friday.  You’ll find that we cover approximately 30 pages worth of reading each week, and you’ll likely want to read more, but we encourage you to stick with the schedule.

1 - Week One Schedule

Please note: you will NEVER be judged or made to feel unwelcome to participate in activities or our weekly discussions if you have not completed the readings.  Though the book is valuable, your time spent with community and learning from others can be just as valuable, if not more.

Before we begin…

Will you pray with me?

Heavenly Father, what a blessing it is to have this opportunity to come together as women of faith, your daughters, your pride and joy.  We love you, Daddy and we are so grateful for sending your Son to bear the weight of the world, becoming our substitute and dying the death of sin that we deserve, in our place.  Jesus, your sacrifice is too much, and so we yearn to thank You by glorifying Your precious name.  Send Your Spirit to go with us now as we step out in faith and begin the pursuit of the calling You have placed upon our hearts.  Help us to surrender our fear to You and instead be filled up to overflowing in Your love, Your grace and Your peace.  We love You Jesus, and it is in Your name that we pray.  Amen.

And now, will you take 4 minutes and 22 seconds to watch this video?  But before you do, take a moment to ask God to prepare your heart for the message you will hear.  It will give you goosebumps and likely require some Kleenex to be on hand.

Allow the words of Amena Brown to wash out any lingering fear from those dark places and allow our study scripture from Joshua 1:9 to ignite a new fire within you.

Be strong and courageous!

Video will open in a new window.

IF Gathering - Brave and Courageous (Amena Brown)


Be blessed, my sweet sisters!  The journey towards a life of fulfillment and purpose is only beginning, and oh, what a sweet time it will be to walk alongside you and see how together, we can make it happen!  Let’s be strong and courageous together!

[divider type=”dashed” color=”grey”] [row-start] [three-fourths]Bree Blum is a 32 year old cardigan-wearing blogger who loves Jesus.  She lives in Wheeling, WV where she serves in her church as a sign language interpreter and works full time as an Administrative Assistant for a technology firm.  She has a passion for women’s ministry and speaking life into others despite her own introverted tendencies.

You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.[/three-fourths] [one-fourth][/one-fourth] [row-end]


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