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Why so SINGLE?

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I know I’m a few days late- (it’s Monday, not Saturday, but I honestly forgot to publish this draft). But here’s your sneak peak into my latest change to the blog – themed days. And this post was inspired by none other than, The Single Woman.

The question posed is…”And why are YOU still single?”  And my response…

Honestly people…is this question for real?  I can’t help but laugh every time I hear it asked.  Because of my smart aleck and sarcastic ways, I often want to come back with, “Because I prefer to watch Golden Girls in my PJs on a Friday night”, or “Because I’ve heard how AWFUL it is to be married from (insert happily married friend’s name here)”, or better yet, “Because Jesus is in heaven and he isn’t quite ready for me to visit him yet.”

Ha!  that last one might stop them in their tracks…at least for a little while!  But honestly, do you really want to know the reason I’m still single, after four years?

The real reason is…because I’ve been too busy being me.  Did you know that since December 11, 2009 (the date that I broke up with my last boyfriend), I have…

  • Ministered to and helped guide a 17 year old through the hardest time in her life, after losing her father to suicide.
  • Volunteered multiple times at Spring Heights (the church camp I attended growing up – and that I had worked at as the Program Director in 2007) without feeling guilty of not being able to spend time with a significant other.
  • Attended a MercyMe concert.
  • Attended a Bible study group where met others that I was able to grow with spiritually in weekly gatherings.
  • Spent a week visiting with a dear friend from Minnesota.
  • Started my own business teaching American Sign Language to children and their parents.
  • Gone to Las Vegas where I met and had breakfast with Rachel Coleman.
  • Started another small business providing graphic design services to other small businesses on a budget.
  • Went back to school to pursue a degree in Sign Language Interpreting.
  • Traveled to Nashville multiple times.
  • Spent two weeks traveling England with my brother.
  • Went to Minnesota to visit a friend and to meet her family.
  • Attended life-changing workshops on performance interpreting.
  • Got a pixie cut.
  • Graduated with an A.A.S. in Sign Language Interpreting with a GPA of 3.92.
  • Started attending Zumba classes which have helped me to lose 26 lbs in 4 months!
  • Completed my first 5k!

So I’ve been a little preoccupied in the last four years.  But at the same time, in all of those activities, I haven’t come across the man who will be my forever…and right now, looking back, I’m perfectly okay with that.

So when you’re asked “Why are YOU still single?” will you be snarky or sarcastic in your response or straight forward?  I’d love to hear your thoughts on this question!  Comment below or tweet me!

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