
30 Things To Do When You’re Thirty

This weekend I celebrated my 31st birthday.  I am very blessed that I was able to take the day off from work to do some things that I enjoy doing, including pampering myself at the spa for the morning before going out to eat with my family, and then celebrating not only my special day, but also the recent retirement of my father (after 39 years with the same company) with our extended family.

Last year, however, I had a difficult time accepting my birthday.  I was turning thirty and it was a not-so-gentle reminder of the many things that I thought I would have accomplished by this age, but was no where close to even beginning.  But then I found acceptance in starting the third decade of my life by reflecting upon how far I had come over the years and what my life could hold in the future.

Thirty (or any year beyond) doesn’t have to be a life sentence to a period of misery, mourning our youth.  It can be a time of celebration, but it sometimes takes a conscious effort.  Therefore, I devised a plan to help you make the most of your thirtieth year and beyond.  Let it be a way to move on towards a future filled with joy!

  1. Breathe a sigh of relief, you survived your twenties!
  2. Thank God for all of the blessings He has bestowed upon you over the years.
  3. Take a day (each month or every other month) and pamper yourself.  You deserve it!
  4. Take more pictures.
  5. Take time to catch up on the lives of old friends.
  6. Find a hobby or something that you take passion in and make time for it in your life.
  7. Skip the junk food.
  8. Balance your checkbook.
  9. Learn how to manage your money more responsibly.
  10. Build yourself a financial safety net.
  11. Start saving for retirement (if you haven’t already).
  12. Change the decor in your home; you’re no longer living in a dorm room.
  13. Update your wardrobe.
  14. Organize your home!
  15. Exercise: Find a regime that interests you, is enjoyable and that can be incorporated into your schedule. 
  16. Get involved in your community.
  17. Buy or lease a reliable car. 
  18. Read a good book.
  19. Call your mom (or a woman in your life that you look up to) more often.
  20. Catch up on world events.
  21. Invest in a worthy cause; be it a charity or a family in need.
  22. Mix up your beauty regime and try new products.
  23. Go to church and not just on Christmas and Easter.
  24. Make time for family and cherish the memories made.
  25. Explore new cities in your area or even country roads in your town you haven’t taken.
  26. Start a vacation fund for a trip you’ve always wanted to take.
  27. Take a class to learn skills or a trade that interests you.
  28. Work towards purchasing a new home (if you haven’t already).
  29. Drink more water.
  30. Celebrate all your life’s achievements and look forward to those ahead!
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  1. My favorites are # 3, 4, 22, 25. Of course, all of them are great ideas! I have five years left before I hit 30, but I still enjoyed this list. Thanks for sharing!

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