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Simplify Your Life and Start Living: Through Scripture

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Today is bittersweet.  While it is the final day of January and we’re on the cusp of another great month in 2014, today is also the last installment of the Simplify Your Life and Start Living blog series!Have you been reading all along this month?  If so, thank you!

If not, it’s okay, but I’d love for you take some time to read through some of the posts I’ve shared that included ways to move to a more simplified version of YOU, through…

And now, how you can begin Simplifying Your Life and Start Living: Through Scripture…

When I dreamed up the idea of putting together a scripture binder for myself, I thought it would be a great opportunity to design one for my readers as well.  What better way is there to connect with the people that I write for here, than through God’s word?So here you go…a gift of love from me to you!

SYL Scripture Binder Promo Image

[UPDATE] Get your copy of the Scripture Binder for FREE!

Included in the 20+ pages of content, you’ll find…

  • Tab Labels for the Old Testament & New Testament
  • Tab Labels for Biblical Themes
  • Scripture Section Dividers
  • Blank Section Dividers
  • Scripture Inserts
  • Directions on how to create a scripture binder
  • Tips for verse memorization
  • Tips for using verse mapping
  • Resources for Scripture Smash Books

Note: The images in this post only show a small sample of what you’ll receive.

Once again, thank you for all of your support; the time taken reading and leaving loving comments throughout this month and my first blog series.  It means the world to me to hear that what I share here is touching your lives in positive ways.  It is my prayer that you will continue to be blessed by the content here at The Imperfect Vessel and that this great printable will help you to only grow deeper in your faith through studying and reflecting upon God’s word.  And to start your binder off, here’s a verse from the book of Ephesians…
“I have not stopped thanking God for you.  I pray for you constantly, asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God.”  – Ephesians 1:16-17 (NLT)

How to spice up your scripture binder:

See other ways to Simplify Your Life and Start Living…

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  1. Bree, you have such creative ideas. I tend to all my notes in little portfolio but I like your idea of binder. Thanks for being so generous and sharing your gifts.

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