Day Seven // Make It Happen
Fear has been my biggest stumbling block to faith.
Fear that I’ll never get married or have children of my own.
Fear that I’ll be stuck at a job that isn’t going anywhere.
Fear that the years will fly by and I’ll have nothing to show for it.
I don’t know what you’re afraid of. What makes you chew your lip with worry or keeps you awake at night. Most of us have dealt with fear at one time or another. For many of us, myself include, fear becomes a companion rather than an enemy.
Do you realize that fear is the most deceitful feeling? It makes you think what hasn’t happened yet already has. And there’s a really good chance that what you fear may never become a reality. Fear keeps us stilted and stagnant, never moving, never growing and it’s time we stopped letting it rule us.
Life can get overwhelming sometimes. There are seasons where bad things just seem to keep piling up and the relief is nowhere in sight. We think God’s silence is a sign of His disapproval or that He’s just plain ignoring us so we seek to take matters of life into our own hands.
In September 2014, the sale of my house was finalized. This big city girl decided to move to a small town in Ohio. During the summer, I had checks that were bouncing and if there’s one way to scare me, it’s by messing with my finances. So, I took out a small loan and with the help of my family, I was able to buy a cute 3 bedroom house. But when I look back on it, I realized part of my desire to buy the house was based on fear. How was I going to provide for myself when I should really have asked: God, will you provide?
I have been a Christian for more than ten years but there are times when my faith still seems like little more than a mustard seed. Now, I’m waiting on His timing to move there and that has not been easy. In fact, this season has been the most anxious of my life. But I believe He’s moving me into a deeper knowledge of trusting Him.
What keeps you from trusting God?
Is it giving up your timetable for His?
Do you believe that He really has your good in mind?
Would you feel more comfortable and safe if you knew the answers rather than being still and knowing He is God?
Lara Casey used Proverbs 3:5-6 to remind us to trust in the Lord. That word, “trust” comes from the Hebrew word ”batach”, which in the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance means to be bold, confident, and secure. Let’s use these words in the place of trust and see how this verse takes on an even deeper meaning.
Be boldly confident and secure in the Lord with all your heart and lean not in your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
This is the opposite of what fear tells us to do! When we don’t trust the Lord, we go looking for our own way and get off the road He intended for us to travel. Imagine having a GPS in your car headed to a particular destination but instead of trusting that it will take you there, you keep making turns where you’re not supposed to. Then the sweetest word you’ve heard will say, “Recalculating”. God knows where we’re going and what detours we’re going to make before we get there but He still keeps leading us on.
Then the sweetest word you’ve heard will say, “Recalculating”.
When we trust God, He leads us in the most exciting adventure of our lives!
[alert color=”black”]DAILY TASKWhat in your life feels like it has been crumbling? What change feels impossible? Write it down in your Study Journal or a notebook and date it.[/alert]
A little music for the journey…
Most of us have heard this song as it has taken Christian radio by storm over the last year. Today, listen to it as though it is the first time. Read the words as they appear on the screen and let waves wash over you and wash away any fear and doubt.
Supplies for the journey…
- Have you joined our exclusive Facebook group?
The Intentional Filling is a place to grow in your faith individually, but also grow through the life experiences, prayers and support of the community members. - Want a daily reminder to be strong and courageous?
Order the Print Pack of 3 – 8×10 digital prints designed by the community’s own Betsy Gettis, exclusively for the Intentional Filling community.
You can connect with her on her blog, Instagram and Pinterest.[/three-fourths] [one-fourth][/one-fourth] [row-end]