
Summer Break

The road along this journey has been filled with twists and turns. There have been encounters with potholes, construction, and unexpected detours along the way.  Much like the pavement that I traverse daily in the glorious state of West Virginia, this road that has lead to this present time, has been an adventure.

Walking with God is always an adventure.

Commit your work to the LORD and your plans will succeed.  {Proverbs 16:3}

When I embarked on the journey of leading an online book study last fall I really had no idea what to expect.  My sweet friend encouraged, my poor Moses-like heart pleaded “NO, not me”, but God said, “I will guide you every step of the way.”  And He has.

The seed of a dream that was planted has sprouted and produced fruit through the tender care of the Father.  He has showered us with rich blessings through the seasons of cultivating this dream by growing us ever stronger and closer to Him.  Evidence of growth has burst forth and we have been given the opportunity to share in the bounty of His harvest with so many others.  What beautiful, tasty, glorious fruit!

The Intentional Filling, a tiny dream has grown to do great things through its commitment to remain surrendered to the will of the One that allowed it to take root.  

This Season…

And now the Gardener calls for us to rest.  He calls our work good, but His desire for this season is to be still.  It’s a hard call to accept when we’re so eager to jump into more time spent in communion with one another and diving head-first into another beautifully written book.

But rest is important.  Resting in Him is even more important.  So consider this your permission slip to take the summer off.

Popsicle-stained children get summer break, so why can’t we? Use this time to make the most of every moment, even if it is sitting on your front porch with a tall glass of lemonade as you take in the scenery around you.  Just live intentionally in that moment, finding purpose in it.

Breathe deep and find the glorious riches of God’s blessings in this season, even in the imperfect moments, and come back this fall refreshed and ready to dive into another story to add to the journey!

What’s Next?

As the Intentional Filling leadership team strives to stay true to the calling of this ministry, we have begun praying over what book God desires us to place our focus for the Fall Study.  We cannot say for certain when that answer will come, but we know that it will arrive in His perfect timing in order to allow you to prepare your heart and your calendar to be able to participate.

We’d love for you to join us in prayer during this time: for rest, for wisdom, and direction so that we can ensure that we follow through with what GOD desires for the future of this ministry.

Be sure to sign up for our mailing list to ensure you receive the news when the announcement is made!

Where We’ve Been…

The red and burnt orange leaves of the fall were the perfect backdrop to the beautiful beginning of an online community of women, coming together to grow in our faith and into the women He designed us to be.  Intentionally we spent our time together working through the fears and desires of our own hearts, seeking to fill the God-shaped hole within ourselves with the only puzzle piece that truly fits, HIM!

 – Visit the Let’s All Be Brave Study Blog – 

Quote - Believe

Through the cold broken soil of winter sprouted an unexpected growth.  The community grew, the expectations of the study deepened and the examination of our own hearts was more profound.  We found in our time together a common bond, an understanding that surpassed our expectations and valuable lessons that allowed us to grow more aligned to the purpose and design God has for our lives.

– Visit The Best Yes Study Blog –

Quote from The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst via The Imperfect Vessel Book Study - imperfectvessel.com

If we learned anything this Spring, it was that God can make the impossible possible.  While we were expecting small steps, He lead us to big leaps of faith through the reshaping of the community and by encouraging us to reach beyond ourselves and our comfort zone to begin making things happen for His kingdom. We learned that it is only through surrender to His purpose for our lives that we are able to find true and lasting satisfaction.  What a humbling lesson!

– Visit the Make It Happen Study Blog –

Introduction to Part Four // Make It Happen by Lara Casey - Seasonal Book Study hosted by www.imperfectvessel.com

I look forward to the opportunity to gather together with you and so many other beautiful souls this fall.  I can’t wait to see how God will use this ministry in the future and what He has in store for each of us.  My prayer is that until we meet again that your heart remains focused on the One who makes all things possible.

Be blessed, sweet friends!


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    1. Thank you for such sweet words, Alisha! So happy you stopped by. I’ll be sure to return the favor as well. Have a blessed weekend!

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