Rooted in the Word – Episode 03: Living Water
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Listen to the episode | 33-minutes
Welcome back to the Rooted in the Word series! In our first two episodes, we’ve explored our unique personalities and learning styles and how they can be paired with a number of Bible study tools.
We also learned about two very different approaches to reading Scripture – by digging in the Word – a more Western or Greco-Roman approach, where we work to uncover meaning piece by piece, and a more Eastern or Jewish approach by rooting ourselves in the Word – that involves looking at Scripture as a whole to explain the parts.
Today, I’m excited to share that we have two guests with us – two of my dear friends and leaders of the Intentional Filling Community – Paige Phillips and Gloria Limann.
Tune in to the episode to learn about the importance of recognizing idioms in Scripture to gain a better understanding of what the author was trying to say.