Day Eight // Make It Happen
“When you are taking a leap of faith—to God—you can trust that He will be there to catch you.”
Lara Casey’s words are true. God promises to take care of our every need. But, for some reason, taking a leap of faith is easier in theory, than in action. The season of life that I am in, right now, it is so hard to take a leap of faith.We sold our house about four months ago and since then my husband has been traveling an hour to work every day. That is two hour commute every day. This season of living at my parents has caused a burning desire within me to help make our situation better. I desire more freedom, more time as a family, less financial stress, less stress in general. But, how do we get there? What if I fail?
“Failure will get you further than fear.”
God has placed on my heart to start a business. It doesn’t require a building, or employees, but it’s a business none the less. I had no idea why He would be calling me to this or how to go about it. “I don’t know how to sell stuff. I don’t have any friends that would be interested. I don’t know enough people.” All the excuses that come to mind when God asks you to do something that you wouldn’t really choose on your own.
I had a desire to try essential oils for my family to help us become a chemical free home. When I was finally able to buy them, I heard God say, “this is it. I want you to do this.” So, I prayed about it and then talked to my husband. Of course the enemy will use anything to knock you down, and at that time it was the skepticism of the one man on earth who holds the most weight on any decision I make.
The support I have within my community of business builders has been awesome. Some days I still feel discouraged, but God has always blown me away. He pulled me out of my comfort zone and I said yes! That doesn’t seem to ever happen. I always find a way to back out of it, some excuse that makes it okay to not listen. However, I don’t desire to live in my parent’s house forever. And what better time to take a leap of faith when we don’t have as many responsibilities financially? I didn’t have an answer for that question, so, off I went.
“When God wants you to make something happen, though, He gives us exactly what we need.”
God has blessed me within my business journey. I get to fund my essential oils to help my family become chemical free and healthier. And I get a great community of people who not only support my business venture but my spiritual walk as well. There are many people that my business has brought into my life and I couldn’t be happier. God is bringing people that I never would have chosen to be in my life. And I get to support and encourage them in their spiritual walk, their journey to healthier living, and in their business.
I am unsure of what God has planned for this in the future, but I know right now, I am going at it with 100% faith and passion that if I make the steps, God will bless the path. That tiny spark has ignited inside of me and changed my life. I love Lara Casey’s words,
“But sometimes a spark is all it takes to start a fire.”
What leap of faith do you want to take? Whatever it is ask God to help lead your steps and bless your path to make it happen.
[alert color=”black”]DAILY TASKWhat leap of faith are you considering now? Write it out in bold letters in your Study Journal or a notebook and date it. Be specific. And it wouldn’t be a leap of faith if it wasn’t a little ( or a lot) scary to write it out. You can do this![/alert]
A little music for the journey…
It’s easy to feel like you’re in over your head when making major life changes. Listen to the words of this song, let the swells of the music like waves crash over you, as His Spirit draws near. He will never leave you or forsake you, especially not now!
Supplies for the journey…
- Have you joined our exclusive Facebook group?
The Intentional Filling is a place to grow in your faith individually, but also grow through the life experiences, prayers and support of the community members. - Want a daily reminder to be strong and courageous?
Order the Print Pack of 3 – 8×10 digital prints designed by the community’s own Betsy Gettis, exclusively for the Intentional Filling community.
Becky Honore is a twenty-something trying to find her purpose in life. She has a wonderful husband dedicated to providing for his family so that she can stay home with her 2 daughters. She is continuously trying to transform her life and improve her walk with The Lord. Her passion is to encourage women and someday hopes to work full time in women’s ministry. Maybe even someday write a book, God willing.
You can connect with her on Facebook and Pinterest.
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