
Currently {Volume Six}

It’s another edition of Currently, where I share what’s going on currently 
(I know, go figure, right?) in this little life of mine.  It’s also a great opportunity for me to connect with others through the awesome link up over at A Mama Collective – they accept me, even though I’m not yet a mama, whew!  

I’d love for you to share your current happenings in the comments below or join me over at the link up – here!

Thinking about… the fact that today is my last day of employment for a little while.  It scary venturing out into the unknown, but I am trusting God that He will provide in only ways that He can.  I’ve been so humbled and blessed by the number of people who have been praying for me and this situation over the last month.  People have come out of the woodwork to share a bit of encouragement and a word of hope and I am forever thankful.  

It has been a roller coaster of emotions and a lot more ups and downs in my faith than I imagined, but I really think that if anything else, this was a time that I needed to really put things into perspective and come to recognize where my priorities lie. And I’m sure that those lessons will continue in the days ahead.  I’d appreciate your prayers as I seek after His will and a position that I feel will better satisfy my need to serve Him.

Reading… I’m really excited to share with you that I’ve been reading (yes, me, reading again) this great little book called Confessions of a Boy-Crazy Girl  by Paula Hendricks.  I actually won this from a blog giveaway (I NEVER win anything) and soon, you’ll be able to get your hands on a copy for yourself!  Stay tuned in the next few weeks for more details.  ::happy dance::

Listening to… Jaime Jamgochian’s LP that I got at the Sass Class Compassion Tour for the 329878645th time.  I adore each and every song on this album and how it has really helped me through this past week of trying to figure out where I need to be.  Oh and it was really cool to connect with Jaime on Twitter this week as well!

Thankful for… the friendships that are building out of my small group.  I have been craving Christian fellowship for a couple years now and so this group, only a few months old, has been such a complete and total blessing.  Oh and I love that these girls also love Zumba!  😉

Wishing & Praying for… the boldness to stand up for what I believe in, even if others don’t agree with me; for the ability to trust in God that He will provide; and that I am able to find a position where I am more eager to get out of bed in the morning and a place where I can better serve that One that has provided.

Working on… (Goals for the coming week)

  • Developing a strict budget
  • Developing an envelope system in order to keep me on track w/ the budget
  • Register for the Debbie Green 5k – it’s coming up soon!
  • Train more for the race (getting out to walk/run at least 3 days)
  • Research other job opportunities
  • Pack for my weekend getaway
  • Spend some much needed time with God
What’s up with you CURRENTLY?
Use the themes listed above or feel free to create your own!
– Link up at A Mama Collective or comment below –
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  1. Bree, I LOVE this post! I’m so excited for your big leap. Jesus is right there with you. I did the same thing only 2 months ago and it was so scary and uncertain at the same time that I knew I needed to jump into Christ’s arms like that. I love that you are taking that leap of faith and trusting in Him, and He is right there with you, sister. He’s not going anywhere. I totally looked up Jaime on Spotify and am listening to her right now. I love her already! Bree, I love what you do in this space, and I’m so glad to have “met” you and be able to follow along with everything you’re doing this year. God bless you, girl! (I can say that still at our age, right?)

  2. This “currently” gives me more of a peak into who you are. I enjoyed reading it. Moving towards the positive priorities is a good step, but you’re right scary! I need to write down my goals for this next week, too. I’m better at keeping them when they are written!

  3. Stepping out into the unknown can be a little scary I know. I pray that you will continue see God’s provision and faithfulness during your transition. Many blessings.

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