Week Three In Review // Make It Happen
Wow, what a week!
We learned:
- That taking risks can be downright terrifying, but at the same time we can rely on the fact that God will always be there to lead and guide us to His PURPOSE for our life. He’s like our own personal GPS!
- That when we’re up against the wall and feeling resistance from others, we need to set our sights on what is greater. God created you on purpose for a PURPOSE. Surrender by faith and God will make mountains move!
- Busy does not always mean successful. Busy is a frame of mind that often ends up with an overwhelmed schedule and underwhelmed soul. Allow God to be the focus of your tasks, bringing glory to His name and by doing so, He can guide you to a more balanced schedule, mind set and way of life.
Here’s a list of the highlights from Week Three:
What to Read
- Welcome to Week Three
- Day Seven // Leap into Trust
- Day Eight // Take a Leap of Faith
- Day Nine // Leap into What Matters
What to Watch
- Photo Challenge: Week Three – #BeBrave
- Verse Mapping Challenge: James 1:5
- Trust – by Ann Voskamp
- Remember Who You Really Are – by Rachelle Dekker
What to Listen to
- Oceans – Hillsong United
- In Over My Head – Bethel Music
- Fix My Eyes – for King & Country
What to Share
- Week Three Photo Challenge Pic: Use #BeBrave
- Week Two Verse Mapping Challenge: James 1:5 – Use #IntentionalFilling #VerseMapping
How to Connect
- Join the exclusive Facebook Group (check email for invite)
- Respond to your leader’s weekly email
- Connect with your Study Buddy (assigned in the Facebook group)
- Follow the Imperfect Vessel – Facebook & Instagram
Tools & Resources
- Weekly Download & Printables
- Spring Study Journal
- Make It Happen Print Pack – 3 beautiful designs created by our own Betsy Gettis exclusively for the Intentional Filling community!
Questions or Need Clarification?
Send them here: bree@imperfectvessel.com
[divider type=”dashed” color=”grey”] [row-start] [three-fourths]Bree Blum is a 32 year old cardigan-wearing blogger who loves Jesus. She lives in Wheeling, WV where she serves in her church as a sign language interpreter and works full time as an Administrative Assistant for a technology firm. She has a passion for women’s ministry and speaking life into others despite her own introverted tendencies.You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.[/three-fourths]