When You Let Go, You Grow
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Letting go of perfectionism to pursue a relationship with God.
During my freshman and sophomore years of college, I used to rewrite all of my notes that I took during class.
No, it wasn’t a study tactic.
No, it wasn’t because I wanted to commit the information to memory (though it did help).
I rewrote ALL of my notes because they weren’t written in my best penmanship. They weren’t pretty enough. 🙄
I’d scurry to write as much as I could, as fast as I could during class, which led to tilted and smooshed letters. NOTHING like my regular penmanship that is precise and font-like.
But then I came to realize what a waste of paper it was to rewrite something simply because it didn’t look a certain way.
Now, I only write the MOST crucial information in my notes and realize that the only reason to rewrite it is if it is entirely illegible… which is something that my perfectionist brain doesn’t even want to consider!
Maybe you can relate? 🤷🏽
Do you feel the same way about studying Scripture as I did about my notetaking? You’ve got to have the PERFECT setup, or prayer closet, or Pinterest-perfect tools in place… so you end up getting caught up in what Bible-reading LOOKS like rather than gaining anything from your time in the Word.
Ya with me?
Social media has definitely influenced the way we connect with God. Some good, some not so good.
I’ve found that in talking with other women, and in my own faith journey, that it has had a strong impact in the way that we interact with the Word and the methods in which we choose to approach it… or don’t.
We often get caught up in the nitty gritty of the process, and miss out on the gift of His presence.
3 Myths About Bible Study
No. 3 – There’s a Right and Wrong Way to Read the Bible
May I just say, heck to the nope! There is NO right or wrong way to read the Bible, my friend. Do you prefer to read the King James Version, while your bestie reads The Message? Neither is right or wrong. Bible Study should be as much a personal preference as what kind of shampoo you use — but definitely think you should put a little more thought and effort into it than lathering your locks.
No matter how you approach God’s Word, know that God will meet you there.
Remember, when you let go, you grow!
No. 2 – You Must Investment A Lot Financially to Be Successful in Your Bible Study
Remember what I said about social media influencing the way that we spend time in the Word? It’s true! It is easy to get wrapped up in having the most attractive Bible cover and the nicest margin-width and the best study and foot notes. And don’t get me started on the pens and highlighters and washi tape!
A Dollar Store Bible, or freebie that you picked up from the back pew, or the Precious Moments Bible your grandmother gave you for your baptism will do the trick!
Check out the number of FREE resources that we have included in our Bible Study Tool List.
No. 1 – You Need to Have a Good Understanding of Scripture Before Having a Relationship with God
Can I let you in on a little secret? I was baptized as a baby, I grew up in the church. I got awards for my Sunday School attendance. I worked as a church camp counselor, but it wasn’t until I was 30-years-old that I understood the Gospel message.
Does that mean that my relationship with God before that point was a lie? No.
Does it mean that it was lack luster? Definitely.
But it was those years of faithful attendance and showing up with a child-like faith that helped to lay a foundation on which to build my faith. And I’m grateful for the ways that God continued to guide my path so that I would be brought to the Truth… when I was ready to receive it.
God is doing the same thing for you!
Want to Make the Most of Your Faith?
If you’ve been around the blog lately, you may have read a post or two about the online study we were fortunate to be part of — Jesus and Women in the First Century and Now by Kristi McLelland.
We were blessed to have an opportunity to connect with the author, Kristi on a Zoom call (tune in hear to listen to all of her great answers to our questions), where she mentioned a couple of ways to further our studies and to make the most of our faith:
- Recommended Reading List
- LIVE Teaching Event in Franklin, TN in August
Kristi’s team were very gracious in answering my many questions and shared these details with me to pass along to you…
Kristi McLelland’s Recommended Reading List:
Anything by LOIS TVERBERG:
• Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus
• Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus
• Reading the Bible with Rabbi Jesus
Wealth of the Wilderness by REBEKAH JOY
Our Father Abraham by MARVIN WILLIAMS
LIVE Teaching Event in Franklin, TN in August
Pearls of the Bible: Stringing Together the Stories of Women – Kristi McLelland
Friday, August 27th thru Saturday, August 28th | Church of the City – Franklin, TN
$99 per person
We would love for you to join me at this event, or for our online studies as we continue to pursue exploring God’s Word through a Middle Eastern Lens (through the eyes of the first-century Jewish audience)!