Day Four // For the Love
Chapter 5: Run Your Race – Pages 30-34
When my brother was younger he dreamed of becoming a world famous archaeologist (is that even a thing?), which we all assumed was derived from watching Jurassic Park a few too many times. But then when he was ten my parents bought him a drum set. A new passion was born.
Though he took lessons from a classmate of mine, he was a natural. After all, he had played a mean drum solo on mom’s pots and pans as a toddler! And wouldn’t you know, he went on to play lead snare drum in the high school marching band and then graduated from college with a degree in Music Business.
Archaeology doesn’t even register on his radar.
But what if our mind-making isn’t much better than a five-year-old wanna-be archaeologist; how are we supposed to end up fulfilling the purpose God has for each of us?
“What are you good at? Not sure? What do people constantly say you are good at? Others usually identify our gifts long before we do.” {For the Love}
My parents never bought me a drum set (they knew better than to put themselves through two kids pounding out rhythms), instead they funded a trip that allowed one of my passions to come to light.
My great grandfather hailed from Yorkshire England and though I had traveled there a couple of times with family, my brother (the drummer) and I had never been to London. I decided to document our travels so I didn’t forget a single detail, and after some research, created a travel blog to share with friends and family while we were away.
I had forgotten how much I enjoyed writing since I hadn’t had many opportunities to use this particular outlet since high school. Our trip was full of adventures that I will always cherish, but one adventure that I didn’t expect began with a comment on one of those blog posts.
A dear friend of mine commented on my writing skills, that through my descriptions, she felt as if she were walking the streets of London with us. She also suggested that I further pursue this writing thing. And though I had this blog where I initially documented how I was working to overcome some anxiety issues, my friend’s comment continued to scratch its way to the surface of my memory.
My first public blog post went live on May 31, 2013. I started out with quirky posts and poorly created graphics, but after time, the gentle shaping of selfless bloggers and GOD, this place came to be a place where what I was writing, as much for me as for others, was touching the lives of women in different parts of the globe.
“There are no throwaway qualities. In fact, those qualities might point you in just the right direction. Nothing is wasted: not a characteristic, preference, experience, tragedy, quirk, nothing. It is all you and it is all purposed and it can all be used for great and glorious good.” {For the Love}
I love this quote from Jen as my own story is made up of a unique compilation of experiences, tragedies, and an extra God-given helping of quirkiness. It is uniquely mine, this story crafted by the Creator of the Universe, written before the beginning of time. And yet He waited until I was thirty to help me recognize my potential through the use of modern-day technology in order to work for His good.
“Indeed, the Sovereign Lord never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants.” – Amos 3:7
It may have taken me thirty years to find the answer to how I could fulfill God’s purpose for my life, but everyone’s timing is different. My brother began his journey into music at the age of ten. It may take you longer than me. Only God knows, but it doesn’t mean that you should be idle…
- Go for it, take the gifts God has given you and run with them.
Make big things happen! - Speak life-giving words to others to share the profound and wonderful things that you see in them. You don’t know how much that can do to set ablaze something within someone.
“The timing is never right. Forget that. It rarely just falls into your lap. You are probably not guaranteed success. This might be a risk. It will require sacrifices from you and maybe your people, and you might step out on shaky, shaky legs.” {For the Love}
Couldn’t this same thing be said of Jesus? The only difference is that His timing was right, it was and is perfect. But when He left the comfort of Heaven some two thousand years ago, to enter this world in the most humblest of ways, He wasn’t guaranteed success.
No. He required the same care and pruning from a parent as we did. He may have grown up with an understanding and wisdom that exceeded others, but He didn’t exhort His authority. He waited thirty years before making His purpose known.
And His life was pretty darn risky. He traveled and slept in the desert. He befriended the outcasts. He grew enemies in the hearts of the people He created! But He was willing to make some sacrifices. One being Himself.
And He, fully human, yet fully God, took one step, and then another, and another as He carried a cross up to a hillside that He formed so that He could give the gift that He humbled Himself to bring. Salvation for all.
Knowing what ultimate gift Jesus gave, what small gift can you give today that can make a difference in the lives of others?
[divider] [row-start] [three-fourths]Bree Blum is a just your average single thirty-something book loving, oil using, cardigan wearing blogger who loves Jesus.You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.[/three-fourths] [one-fourth][/one-fourth] [row-end]
Love this post. God’s timing IS perfect and sometimes our purpose that He has given us is nowhere near what we thought we would be capable of doing.
One small thing I can gift today is my time. I would like to give the people in my life undivided attention today. That when they are around, I am not on my phone or computer, or watching tv.
Lord, give favor and blessings in our relationships and grow the bonds we have with one another.
Thank you so much Rebecca! I love the challenge you’ve made for yourself. That is a gift that we all need to be more conscious of giving! Thank you for this reminder to be present and available.