Week Five | Grace Week
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Week Five | When Less Becomes More Online Bible Study
Reading Assignment – None!
Participating in and keeping up with a fast-paced online community is challenging. I get it!
In the past, I’ve participated in online Bible studies outside of Intentional Filling, so I fully understand how stressful they can be, especially if you get behind in your reading. I often gave up and didn’t finish the study.
We don’t want this for you! This is precisely why we’ve built in a week of GRACE for our members (and leaders)!
Grace Week is an opportunity for you to catch up on your reading assignments or just to give yourself some grace and take it easy this week. Then we can reconvene after a week of rest to finish the study strong!
Feel like you’re too far behind? Don’t worry, you’re welcome to participate at whatever level you are comfortable. We never give any spoilers, but rather talk about the themes of each week, so we welcome you to join in our discussions in the Facebook Community.
Looking to get caught up? Spend some time in prayer seeking a place to begin. For some prayer is as easy as breathing, while for others it feels futile and even silly. But God desires to speak with His children. He desires a relationship. And it can be as easy as exclaiming to Him that you don’t know where to begin. Allow Him to fill you with His grace today!
Suggestions for your grace-filled week:
MONDAY | Spend some time catching up on reading the chapter assignments & blog posts.
TUESDAY | Spend some time commenting on your favorite blog posts from the study.
WEDNESDAY | Spend some time in prayer over the lessons you’ve learned.
THURSDAY | Spend some time showing love to yourself or someone in need.
FRIDAY | Join us in the Facebook Community for “Fill Me Up Friday” and share what you’ve learned through this time of reflection and giving grace to yourself.
My prayer for you this week is that you will let yourself off the hook, that you include a little extra grace in your health regimen, and you come back on Friday refreshed and ready to finish this study strong!
The Facebook Community is still active this week and your leaders will be sharing some great content and fun VIDEOS!
There will be NO Thursday Community Chat this week.
Share with us in the comments; we’d love to hear from you!
Bree is a recovering perfectionist whose weaknesses include the dollar spot at Target and any pretty office supplies. Though she is an introvert, she has an insatiable craving for community and a desire to bring light to God’s purpose in the imperfections of life. Read More