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Change Doesn’t Have to be Scary; It Means You’re Growing

It’s hard to believe that a year’s worth of blogging for the public is only about a month away!  Time sure flies by when you’re having fun!  And as I begin contemplating what this next year will hold, I’ve decided to make some changes.  But don’t worry, change doesn’t have to be scary; it means you’re growing!

That’s right YOU are growing and so is this blog.  Over the past year, my little corner of the World Wide Web has grown from three readers (my bestie, my Momma and myself) to an average of 500 readers daily.  And YOU have been growing with me!

This space has seen many changes in its time of existence.  What started as a place for me to therapeutically share some of my feelings during a time of some much-needed healing, has evolved and blossomed into a place of inspiration and hope for the weary traveler of life.

When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready.  The challenge will not wait.  Life does not look back.” – Paulo Coelho, The Devil and Miss Prym

Over the past year I have tested and tried different mediums of content.  I have shared about a wide range of topics, from broken relationships and singleness, to my own adventure in seeking a healthier lifestyle, and finally finding peace at sharing about my true purpose of being a follower of Jesus Christ.  Through it all YOU have been a trouper, by returning again and again, commenting and sharing, and blessing me each day.

I couldn’t have made it this far without you…really!  So thank you!

In the blogging community, my blog is still considered a baby and I have a lot of growing yet to do, so some changes, BIG CHANGES, are on the horizon and I want to let you in on the secret…

Though I adore the name of my blog (especially since it incorporates my name and a fun play on words), it does not accurately portray the type of content that I’ve been sharing on a regular basis.

And so, in the coming months, Breething will be moving to a new title and URL – The Imperfect Vessel: Brokenness Into Beauty – at www.imperfectvessel.com.

Rebranding: Breething.com will be changing to The Imperfect Vessel: Brokenness Into Beauty in the coming months.



The process is already underway, but don’t let the changes frighten you off. You’ll still be seeing a lot of the same type of content that you’ve grown accustomed to reading here.  However, I plan to step out of my comfort zone a little bit more and continue sharing with you some of my personal experiences along my imperfect journey.

I have hired a designer to help me create a whole new look for the blog and corresponding social media sites in order to keep things interesting for you.  Also I have been developing a plan that will provide more opportunities for you to connect with me, as well as other readers.

And the last change (that I pray you will support me on) is that I will be opening up my sidebar to other small businesses and bloggers to place ads.  This opportunity will allow me to continue in the growing trend of my eMinistry and also provide more engaging opportunities for you, my reader, such as product giveaways and developing additional freebies.

So in the meantime…

Soak up the love and the word “Breething”.  I promise it’s not going away for good; you may still see it mentioned in other aspects of my life; it’s just too good to let go! 🙂

You can also help me in this transition period to create the best environment for YOU, my faithful reader, by taking a two-minute survey.  It asks some basic questions regarding your likes/dislikes of Breething and it will help me greatly in the revamping of this site into The Imperfect Vessel.  Thanks in advance!  Virtual hugs!

The Imperfect Vessel Mailing List…

If you’re already on the Breething mailing list, don’t worry, you DON’T need to sign up again, the revamped and re-branded emails will be sent you automatically.

However, if haven’t signed up and you want to get some sneak peek action of the new blog design and information on upcoming networking features, be sure to sign up today!

Affiliate Disclaimer: We’re here to help you learn and grow, so naturally, we share affiliate links for products that we use and love. When you click on one of these links, we will earn a small amount of money, at no additional cost to you, which we’ll use towards keeping the lights on here! Read our full disclaimer — https://intentionalfilling.com/disclaimer-policy/

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  1. Why is change so stinking scary?
    When I switched the name of my business (and then merged my family and business blogs), I feel like I lost several nights of sleep. And then, it was fine and I grew and grew and grew. I think the willingness to change and recognize that things need room to grow is brilliant and brave. Good luck on your next step!

    1. Thank you for your words of encouragement, Katy! I’ve had a few comments in other channels that others really like my current name and design and so I’m feeling rather torn. I know that it’s a giant leap of faith and I’m just praying that my readers will be willing to take the leap with me so we can continue to grow together. 🙂

  2. Bree, congrats on almost reaching your year blog anniversary. You have done an amazing job with your site and look forward to seeing what the upcoming changes bring. I’m feeling the desire to do something different at my place.

    1. Wanda, I know I can always count on you to bring a smile to my face and my heart! Thank you so much for your words and encouragement! Sometimes change is for the best, in order to remain fresh and keep from growing stagnant. I pray that God reveals to you what the next step is to be for the future of your blog! Many blessings, my friend!

  3. Kudos on a work well done! May the Lord continue to bless the work of your hands as you seek His heart. When we embrace the challenge of change, we do grow in so many unexpected ways. Looking forward to seeing your changes.

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