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Clearing the Clutter

There’s nothing quite like having all of your earthly possessions placed on your front lawn to humble your heart.

When my home was doused in inches of water after a pipe burst during work hours last fall, my tears mixed with the water leaking through the dining room ceiling, as I declared that everything would be okay, “it is all just ‘stuff'”.

But when my friends showed up, in more ways than one, to help me empty my house of my soggy possessions, in order for repairs to take place, my face burned with chagrin over just how much “stuff” I own.

Now many months later, I’m still not back in my home and my possessions are still boxed up in storage, for many more reasons than I want to share in this space.  And I’m sure from the outside looking in, it appears that nothing has changed.

On the inside looking out, God has been working overtime on my heart and that of my landlords (my incredibly giving and forgiving parents).

Clearing the clutter of our closets and our lives is a task that is far from enjoyable.  What it requires takes strength that you don’t know you possess.

Is clearing the clutter worth it?

A man’s spirit will endure sickness,
but a crushed spirit who can bear?
An intelligent heart acquires knowledge,
and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
A man’s gift makes room for him
and brings him before the great.
(Proverbs 18:14-16)

Though we face many adversities of life, it is wise for us to seek out the knowledge of God so that we might make room for the good He intends to bestow upon us.

The thought of spring cleaning is often met by a sense of dread.  No one wants to go through closets, stuffed to the point of bursting.  No one wants to take the time to separate the items that should remain from the ones that can be donated, or set out for the trash.  The thought of weeding through not-so-God-honoring behaviors doesn’t often make it on our to-do lists either.

Clearing the clutter is not a task that many enjoy taking on, but it is necessary.

When our hands are already full, it is impossible to pick up the important things that Christ has laid before us. When our hearts are already full, it is impossible to rest in the grace and love that He pours upon us.  Therefore, it is important that we clear the clutter away so that both our hands and our hearts are open and ready to receive all that He has in store for us.

What clutter do you need to clear away in order to make room for Christ to enter in?

[divider type=”solid” color=”black”] [three-fourths]Bree Blum is a just your average single thirty-something book loving, oil using, cardigan wearing blogger who loves Jesus.

You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.[/three-fourths] [one-fourth]Bree Blum, owner & founder of The Imperfect Vessel.[/one-fourth]

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