5 Tips to Increase Your Biblical Literacy
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I can’t believe I’m actually going to admit this: I didn’t realize that the promise God made to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was fulfilled through Jesus until I was 30-years-old.
I wasn’t new to my faith either. I was raised in the church, yet I didn’t understand the most foundational truth in the book!
Truth bomb 💣
💥50% of adults cannot name all 4 of the gospels.
💥60% of adults cannot name half of the 10 commandments
On top of the global pandemic, we’ve got a biblical literacy epidemic going on. 😨
Biblical literacy is a deep understanding and easy recollection of the meaning of Scripture, rather than the collection of cute nuggets of Truth.
Now I’m guilty of lovin’ a good nugget — but after learning that foundational truth from the Garden, I just had to learn more!
The problem was, I didn’t even know where to begin. And do I even begin at the beginning?
If you want to gain a deeper understanding and recollection of Scripture, why not start with five easy steps?
I’m confused, where are the 5 tips?
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The link is working now! Thank you! I’m looking forward to reading the pdf
Yay! Thanks for being patient. Technology is sometimes a pain. Haha! I hope the tips are helpful for you, Kara.