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Week Six | Chasing

Week Six | When Less Becomes More  Online Bible Study
Reading Assignment – Pages 155-196 | Chasing & Home

Since the fall I’ve been working here and there around my home in rearranging furniture so that it was more functional, organizing and pairing down years worth of accumulated stuff, and working on “growing up” the space.

I’ve lived in a 2-bedroom townhouse that yields very little storage for just over a decade.  Finding creative solutions for “hiding” my stuff has been a constant battle, but nothing more challenging than the reality that has settled in lately as I’ve had to come to grips with the items that I spent my precious dollars on being either donated or simply trashed.  And then overcoming the urge to simply refill that space on the shelf or flat surface with something else.

I think that a lot of the same feelings could be applied to the lessons we’ve learned over the last several weeks during this study.

We know what is good for us, we’ve read inspiring quotes and studied scripture that reminds us that God is with us in the stillness, but there’s still an ache that isn’t quite satisfied.

In chapter 9, Emily boldly says,

I believe God designed our hearts in such a way that only He can provide true, lasting contentment.  Yet we (myself included!) work so hard to try to achieve that “perfect” life – the feelings of peace and happiness that accompany true satisfaction.

Emily Ley, When Less Becomes More (pg. 155)

I believe she is right.  Jesus is the only thing that satisfies.  He is our drink of Living Water.

Yet, we chase after perfection, like a dog after a bone, in our careers, in our appearance, and in our homes.  Goodness, we chase after it in our very own coffee cups!

Until we make the conscious decision to seek Christ first, and allow Him to be the thing that we fill up that God-shaped hole within us, we’re going to run ourselves ragged in the chase.

What better titles could Emily have chosen for the last two chapters.  Chasing and Home.  Because that’s what we’re chasing.  Our true home, heaven.

We will never achieve a life that is totally, unendingly satisfying this side of heaven.
Emily Ley, When Less Becomes More (pg. 156)

Well said, Emily.  Just like one of my favorite quotes from C.S. Lewis,

If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probably explanation is that I was made for another world.”


Let’s chat!  We’d love to hear from you once you’ve had some time to read through this week’s reading assignments.  Come back to this space & share your thoughts in the comments below about:

Identify – In this week’s reading we’re considering what it means to live a good life and passing it on, as well as our faith, to others.

What or who are you chasing today?  

In the Word – This week’s Scripture focus comes from Psalm 27:14 (NIV). Download our weekly Scripture card.  Print it and hang it in a place where you’ll come across it often this week, to aid in memorization.

How do you see the Lord working in your time of wait?

Share with us in the comments; we’d love to hear from you!

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