
Currently {Volume Four}

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It’s another edition of Currently, where I share what’s going on currently
(I know, go figure, right?) in this little life of mine.  It’s also a great opportunity for me to connect with others through the awesome link up over at A Mama Collective – they accept me, even though I’m not yet a mama, whew!  

I’d love for you to share your current happenings in the comments below or join me over at the link up – here!

Currently {volume four} - www.imperfectvessel.com

Mooey’s – the new Fro-Yo in town!

Thinking about… how excited I am for Zumba tonight!  A friend of mine from my small group is planning on attending with me and I’m excited to get in a sweat session!  I’ve basically stunk at keeping my clean eating plan going this week and so I’m in need of some major calorie blasting!  I’ve been stressing out a lot lately over some things that have surfaced in my life and therefore, overcompensating with doses of sugar.  Needless to say, the sweet tooth that I miraculously managed to surpress has made a comeback and not in a subtle way either!  But I refuse to beat myself up over it!  Move on and prosper!

Reading… such a slacker am I at actually following through with this Proverbs 31 online Bible study!  I admit, I have not be intentional about making time to get the reading done and my lunch hours have either been dedicated to getting a new post ready for publishing or watching Sherlock (yes, that again!), so I’m not reading much of anything at-the-mo.  I’ve got half a mind to create a summer reading list for myself like I got in school and have someone test me on what I read come September.  ::shakes head:: I.can.do.this!
Currently {volume four} - www.imperfectvessel.com

The strange and smutty things you find on clearance bins at Books-A-Million!

Listening toAlive by Young and Free.  If you need a pick-me-up in the morning, this should be your go to song!  It’s got such a great energy AND the lyrics are a great reminder that we are alive because He is alive in us!

Oh and I’m working on a Zumba routine for this song too…so as I listen to it at work or in the car, I’m pretty much Zumbaing in my head.  That’s not strange, right?  Right?

Watching… Last night I surprised myself in stumbling across the newest episode of Suits on USA.  Grandma and I were desperately trying to find something worthwhile on TV and I stumbled across it in the lineup.  I told her the premise of the show and kind of caught her up to the end of last season, but I fully expected that what would be airing was a rerun.  So I was pleasantly surprised that A) she wanted to watch it with me and B) that I even stumbled across it in the first place because if it’s not NCIS, we’re usually watching the Hallmark channel!  I promise not to share any spoilers…but if you’re a fan like me, you’ll definitely want to watch this one!
Currently {volume four} - www.imperfectvessel.com

Some of the gorgeous roses blooming on Mom & Dad’s trellace.

Thankful for… that parking space that came open just as I was getting ready to ditch my plan for lunch!  Well I’m thankful for a lot of other things as well, but that parking space about made my day so that I could get me some delicious Cilantro (my favorite clean eating option) and have a happy tummy for the rest of the afternoon.  
Currently {volume four} - www.imperfectvessel.com

Cilantro at it’s finest (Clean eating, minus the cheese- hey a girl’s gotta splurge sometimes)!!

Wishing/Praying for… good weather this weekend.  We’ve had so much rain lately that my grass is pretty much out of control again…and then any day that I have available to cut it, it pours.  Haha – jokes on me!  ::rolls eyes::

Goals for last week:

  • AC installed before I melt // Complete!
  • Hair cut before I start getting mistaken for a mutt // Complete!
  • Laundry…again // Complete!
  • Grass cut and weeds pulled // No go 🙁
  • Bedrooms in some assemblance of order // Not quite
  • Get caught up on reading for OBS and eCourses // Another No

Goals for this week:

  • Grass cut and weeds pulled (we’ll try this again)
  • Schedule eye appointment for check-up or just to get new contacts
  • Go bed shopping!!  This mattress is dying a slow and PAINFUL death
  • Go bathing suit shopping…ugh!
  • Bedrooms in some assemblance of order
  • Get caught up on reading for OBS and eCourses
What’s up with you CURRENTLY?
Use the themes listed above or feel free to create your own!
– Link up at A Mama Collective or comment below –

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  1. Ah Zumba! It’s been so long since I’ve been to a class. I hope you had an awesome time at your class! Don’t worry you’re not the only one who slacks at Bible study readings. I’m the same way. It’s hard for me to get into a good routine and keep up.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Lisa! I hope you’ll consider going back – I just love Zumba! To me, it doesn’t seem like a workout (well other than the copious amount of sweat! lol)! I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one that doesn’t manage to keep up on these readings – I guess I need to make more of a concious effort, just like I do for Zumba, for these types of studies. 🙂

  2. great list! some of my favorite posts are the “currently” series that are going around the blog world. my favorite picture from your post? that fro yo! it looks like how i make my fro yo cups-tons of toppings! haha. good work on completing some of your goals from last week and hope you can work through your list for the week to come! stopping by from jenna’s link-up. have a great friday!

    1. Hi Lacey! I must admit the ratio of fro-yo to toppings was a little off balance, but it was soooo GOOD! 🙂 Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I’ll be sure to stop over and see what you’re up to currently! Blessings!

  3. Zumba is pretty much the only way I will work out! It’s so much fun! Don’t worry, I do it, too! When I’m listening to the radio, if a good dance song comes on I am always zumbaing in my head and making up some sweet moves. Ha!

    1. You and me both, Jenna! Zumba is without -a-doubt my favorite way to stay active….well other than dancing in the car! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by! Be blessed!

  4. I’ll just share a couple of mine since I haven’t got around to writing my own Currently post (put that on my to-do list!). Reading — I just finished Cherished by Kim Cash Tate – it was really good! I’m going to be started the Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers next. Watching — I’m excited to watch the season finale of Crisis with my hubby tonight. Well, that is if the soccer game ends before we need to go to bed. He’s glued to the TV right now, and I could care less. 😛

    1. Yay, Tiffany – thanks for sharing some of your own! I totally understand about the soccer games. People keep asking if I’m keeping up with it all and I honestly haven’t watched but a minute of it and I don’t even remember who was playing! Haha! I’m going to have to write down the name of that book since I’m always looking for a good read! Thanks! 🙂

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