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10 Things on My Summer Bucket List

Summer, without a doubt, is my favorite season.  Though I love everything pumpkin flavored that comes with fall, I just can’t get enough of being outside in the sunshine!

The freedom and ability to not have to worry about what I’m going to wear, how many layers are appropriate to make the trek to the car, or how early I need to get up in order to allow plenty of time to chip off the layer of ice on my windshield is fan-freakin-tastic!

In honor of the sun tans and everything smelling like sunscreen, I’ve collected some of my favorite things about summer and compiled them to create the 10 things on my Summer Bucket List!

Oh and a hint, if you read to the end, you’ll be rewarded with a great freebie to create your own!

 10 Things on My Summer Bucket List {Free Printable} - www.imperfectvessel.com

In the last couple of years farmer’s markets having been taking off in my small town.  Local farmers and artisans are coming together to show off their wares and homemade goods.  I have always enjoyed supporting local businesses and this is one of my favorite ways to do it.
I know, I know, yard sales aren’t for everyone…but as someone who has furnished their entire two bedroom townhouse with hand-me-downs, they’re totally worthwhile.  If you do it right, you can usually find some great pieces that with a little TLC and at a fraction of the cost, can turn out better than any store-bought item.
During the cold weather months it’s easy to sit down with a good book because nobody wants to go out and clean the walks for the tenth time, but during the summer, it’s easy to get caught up in checking out everyone’s vacay pics on your favorite social media hangouts.  I want to set aside some time, to intentially turn off my connection to the web, open a book, experience it from cover to cover, and when I’m done with that one, find another!
The freedom of weekends is blissful!  So some weekend this summer, I hope to grab a bag, fill it only with the essentials and head down the road towards some great adventure.  Maybe it’s heading to Amish country or to visit some favorite landmarks nearby.  Wherever the destination, I’ll enjoy every minute!
When the weather was cold and dismal, I craved the opportunity to go outside and take a walk, the ability to feel the wind on my face (without worrying about frostbite), and the opportunity to get some exercise while enjoying the sites and sounds of nature.  Now that the warmer weather is here, I hope not to make excuses that it’s too hot or that I have something better to do, but rather go out and enjoy the peaceful time that is summer.
Have you ever seen the Milky Way?  No, I’m not talking about the candy bar!  If you haven’t witnessed the expanse of a star-filled sky, then take that road trip and head out somewhere where man-made lights won’t touch you.  Bring along a blanket and get ready for a real treat.  I can’t get enough of the beauty of God’s creation in this way!  I also enjoy showing off my geekiness by using my star-gazing app that allows me to learn about all that is up there.
There’s no rule book that says that people past a certain age are not allowed to get messy.  Sometimes I’ve just gotta get a little dirt under my fingernails, or find myself dripping wet from head to toe.  Sprinklers or puddles; mud pies or digging in the garden…I’m such a tomboy!
I’m pretty excited about consuming copious amounts of watermelon this summer!  It’s one of my favorite fruits and there’s just nothing like it when you’ve spent the day soaking up the sun.  I may even try this fun take on watermelon and make slices into popsicles for a great poolside treat!
With the heat, swimming is always a great way to cool off, but it’s also a great way to have fun as a family, to relax with friends or to work on changing your pastey whiteness to something more colorful (mine is usually a great shade of lobster).  Swimming can also be a great form of exercise and even if I can’t do much more than a graceful doggie paddle, I can still get a great workout in the water.
As a nation, we’re always focused on what’s ahead.  The next hurdle to clear, the next big event or milestone.  And though there’s nothing wrong about being excited for the future, what I need to remember is to be excited about the here and now!  Instead of looking forward to football season starting, I want to enjoy some little league games or playing cornhole in the back yard.

Living in the moment is a much more rewarding and fulfilling way to spend time here on this chunk of rock.  And I’m learning to be thankful for whatever season my life is in, the lessons I’m learning and, the memories I’m taking away from it all.

What do you say?
Let’s Carpe Diem the heck out of this summer!

What’s on your summer bucket list?

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    1. Hi Lyli! Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I’m hoping that I’m able to cross each and everyone off at the end of the summer! How about you, what things would you put on your list?

  1. I LOVE your list! Well, except for the yard sales. I just can’t do yard sales. I do love to read though and on my blog this week I did a book review of a few books. I know this looks like a shameless plug to promote my blog, but really, I just love to share when I’ve found a good book. There’s actually a link on the right to all of my book reviews under “Love to Read.” Hope your summer is fabulous!

    1. Oh Nancy, I knew there’d be one in the bunch that can’t handle yard sales, hahaha! I’m always looking for some good books, so I’ll be sure to check out your link. I’m making it a point to start reading more because I’d really like to review some books on here, so thanks for the encouragement…and thanks for stopping by!

  2. What a great idea!!! I always had my list when my kids were younger, for them, but now it is time to create one for myself. Can’t wait to create my own summer bucket list….Thank you! Popping in from Coffee for your Heart. Have a great summer:)

    1. Thanks Crystal! I actually was inspired by a post I found in one of the linkups I connect with that focused on a family bucket list for the summer, which included attending different events, projects around the house and the such. I thought it would be fun to come up with my own list since I’m single and I’m glad that it has inspired you to do the same! Enjoy every drop of sunshine!

  3. I loved this post! I love farmer’s markets, reading books, going on walks and taking road trips! Also, LOVE that image at the top! Gorgeous!

    1. Tiffany, I wish you lived closer so that we could peruse some farmer’s markets together! Thanks for such sweet words about my graphic. I think it turned out really well and I’m hoping it inspires others to create their own list! What would you put on your’s?

  4. Oh goodness, girl. I’m LOVING your list here! We just got back from our neighborhood farmer’s market this evening, I walk as many places as I can, I love swimming til’ I’m pruny, love getting dirty (tomboy here, too – hello!), and well, really all the things you listed here. It sounds like you live in the midwest or someplace much more extreme in winter than where I’m at here in the Pacific NW, so I probably don’t even appreciate summer to the depths you do… but when the sun is out, we Northwesters sure like to get our white skin out there, too 😉 Glad we were neighbors at Heather’s this week.

  5. Your summer bucket list sounds like the making for a perfect summer! I love the stargazing one and can’t believe I didn’t put it on my own! Found you on momlovin’ and following you via bloglovin’

  6. Hopping over from Fellowship Friday Linkup and boy do I love your list! I just bought some watermelon today because it is HOT HOT HOT outside. What a refreshing and yummy snack! Enjoy your summer, Blessings xos

  7. We just moved to a town that has a farmers’ market. I’m looking forward to seeing what they have to offer…and yes, finding something meaningful to read. Now if I could just find the time. Blessings on making each moment count!

  8. Hi Bree! Creating Summer Bucket List was a popular thing to do today, so it seems. The children and I sat down this morning brainstorming ideas on what would be fun to do as a family this summer. I took their ideas and created a printable to share, too. Hope you have a wonderful time enjoying all the things on your list.

  9. I love this list! My nieces (ages 12, 8 and 7) all came up with their own list……. my favorite is from my 8 yr old: more naps! We’ve already been to the library a few times to find our summer reading list…… I’ve never really been to a farmer’s market and I should go and check it out, as well as the yard sales….. those are always fun! Have a great summer!!

  10. I love summer too. It is great to step outside and just feel the warmth and sun on my face. I hope that you enjoy yours and live each day in the moment. Tomorrow will come no matter what we do but we can never get today back!

  11. This is a great list! I second all of them, and a few of them I hadn’t thought of yet. We just crossed the get outside and get dirty ones this weekend, I think, but I’m thinking that with a baby and a puppy star-gazing sounds pretty awesome, too!! And, you may have just put watermelon on my grocery list. 🙂 Thanks for sharing! Hope you enjoy your summer!!

  12. My 10: Lots of time outside; have fun in the garden; can, can, can!; easy snacky dinners with margaritas or sangria; swimming lessons for the kids (past due); a week at the beach; family camping trip; remember to just relax (summer always fills up so quickly); make time to write; run regularly to get ready for my second 10K.
    I’m also not a yard sale person (though I always have to look when I go by), but I love this time of year when we can clean out the barn and put stuff out front with a Free sign and see it disappear.

  13. I wish we lived closer together and could hang out this summer because you’ve pretty much summed up my summer bucket list! Love all of these!

  14. One of our goals is pretty much the opposite of stopping by yard sales, haha! It’s to sell or otherwise get rid of just about everything (we’re moving soon). Watermelon, on the other hand, is definitely on my list!

  15. I love your list. Reading a good book is always on mine – no matter what I’m making a list for. Hope you have an awesome summer!

  16. I recently made my own summer bucket list and I am now all about reading other people’s! Some of ours were the same – stargaze and farmer’s market are the two I’m looking forward to the very most!

  17. I love this list! I’ve had a mental bucket list for a while now, but I definitely need to write it down. I plan on going to the Farmer’s Market this weekend! Yay for fresh produce!

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