
What is Soul Care?

At the end of the day, no matter what position or title you hold, we could all use a little TLC and maybe an extra dose of soul care.

But what is soul care anyways?  And does it differ from self-care?

After releasing my guidebook, How to Plan & Execute a Personal Retreat, I’ve received these same questions.

So let’s take a closer look at these two terms, soul care & self-care:

  • discover what they mean
  • determine if they can overlap
  • learn how you can incorporate these important practices into your daily routine

What is Soul Care?

As a temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell, each day we get an invitation to nurture our relationship with God. Soul care focuses on activities that allow our earthly bodies to disconnect with the world and find a connection with the divine.

What is Self-Care?

As busy human beings, it is easy to wear ourselves down and burn ourselves out of the work that we do.  It is important for us to care for our fragile bodies and minds. Self-care is stepping away to focus on personal needs that often get overlooked, like rest, health, and finding joy in life.

Can Soul Care & Self-Care overlap?

Absolutely!! In taking care of our bodies, we can set new routines to connect with the Spirit.
– a nap can give the energy to do Kingdom work
– a walk can help clear the mind to make room for conversations with God
– eating your favorite meal can be an opportunity for praise & thanksgiving

What does your Soul Care routine look like?

Soul care doesn’t have to be anything elaborate.  It doesn’t require much in the way of preparation.  It just requires intention.

I want to invite you to join me in the #soulcarechallenge to take 5-minutes each day this month (don’t worry how many days left there is… start 30 days TODAY!) and incorporate an act of soul care into your daily routine!  Share your soul care routine on your favorite social media platform and be sure to use the hashtag, #soulcarechallenge and tag @intentionalfilling!

>> Today I listened to worship music while I cleaned out my bedroom closet.

Soul care can be as easy as that!  The hard part is just getting started!

Need a couple of ideas?  Download my list of 35 Ways to Care for Your Soul!

I’m curious… how will you spend 5-minutes caring for your soul today?

Share your answer in the comments below.

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