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Day Nineteen // The Best Yes

We Make Choices. Then Our Choices Make Us / Ch. 19 – Pages 226 to 231

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Today’s post comes to us from the host of The Intentional Filling, Bree Blum.

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My dad tells the best bed time stories.  I may be a little biased, but if you heard some of them, you might agree that they’re pretty top-notch!  His stories would include the fictional characters of our favorite books or TV shows.  But the best story he told was of David and Goliath, complete with sling shot whistling-in-the-wind sound effects!

I have always loved a good story and I whole-heartedly believe that it has to do with the elaborate tales my parents told us for entertainment or just to wear us out enough for bed.

To me, there’s nothing quite like listening to a story and playing it like a movie inside your mind.

Maybe that is also where I gained my love of the English language, the play on words and the use of metaphors and analogies.  I do know, that the passion I have for words and the power they hold, is what lead me to pursue my Master’s degree in Literacy.

Though my dad is pretty darn good at spinning a story, even on the fly, there was another man who turned an analogy unlike any other.  You can read some of his best ones here, here and here.

But this final chapter of The Best Yes really struck me with the analogy that Lysa used, in describing what we must do with the new found wisdom we’ve gained over the last eight weeks.

“…all the wisdom ingredients…they aren’t meant to be examined individually.  They are meant to be stirred together as they stir your heart…And the person who then lets maturity bake in the heat of everyday life will persevere in pleasing God.”

It wouldn’t make sense to admit that you learned some things about your faith, your needs in better discerning the best yes and how to better use the time you have been given, to then walk away from this study and return to a life rushing head-first into your old ways of people pleasing and an overwhelming sense of insecurities and inability to properly prioritize.

Just like it wouldn’t make sense to go to the story to buy all of the ingredients to make a loaf of bread, only to leave it all sit on the counter.  The milk and the eggs will spoil.  You will have wasted precious time and money, and the bread will not make itself.

[Tweet “Wisdom gained does not equal wisdom lived.”]

Quote from The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst via The Imperfect Vessel Book Study - imperfectvessel.com

“Wisdom is either displayed or betrayed by our actions” – Lysa TerKeurst

So as we finish the remaining pages of this book, let us use the advice that Lysa has wisely provided us.

Let’s use the two most powerful words, yes and no, with resounding assurance, graceful clarity, and guided power.  All so people may see Jesus when they see us.  Hear Jesus when they hear us.  And known Jesus when they know us.

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How have the lessons learned over the last eight weeks shaped you into a different form of yourself?  Do you believe that you will be able to effectively and successfully continue a lifestyle lived for the BEST YES moments?

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Join me for the Spring 2015 Book Study, where we’ll be reading Make It Happen by Lara Casey; stepping out of fear into a life of purpose!

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