
Week Seven Photo Challenge // The Best Yes

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I find it hard to believe that we’re halfway through WEEK SEVEN already!  Where has the time gone?

I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow through this time with you.  Think back to week one where the community was shy and slow to connect with one another, and think back to the hesitation there was to dive into a book that challenged how you thought and made decision.  But think now of how far you have come from that day in January when we first connected.

There has been growth, there has been refining, and there has been several opportunities for sharing what a BEST YES life looks like.  But today I want to challenge you beyond snapping a simple image for this photo challenge.

[alert color=”black”]When posting on Social Media…
…be sure to tag Bree or The Imperfect Vessel & use the hashtag
#TheIntentionalFilling so that others can easily find what you’re sharing!

Please consider doing this for any quotes or images you share from the study.  We want to take what we’re learning here and share it with others. God doesn’t want us to keep all of the wisdom He has provided through Lysa and this group to ourselves! Until the whole world hears, right?


So what’s the challenge?

I want you to take five minutes today and really reflect upon what you have learned over the last seven weeks, maybe even make a list during this time that you can keep with your copy of the book.  Once you have reflected upon the growth, take a moment and send up a prayer, thanking God for the opportunity to grow in knowledge and in your faith, to arrive a point much closer to him than when you started.  Then take a picture that best represents how you have grown through this study and share it (using the guidelines above) on social media.

Even though every BEST YES decision deserves to be celebrated, I will be selecting the top two most creative images and these individuals will receive an extra entry into the giveaway that will take place during our Thursday evening Facebook discussion!  The top images will be announced on Thursday morning via Facebook.

Go get creative!

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