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An Honest Moment // Let’s All Be Brave

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A few years ago my brother and I packed our bags and jet set across the ocean for a two week adventure in England.  We had traveled there before, but this was the first time we’d be doing so without our parents.  In all of the excitement, we forgot some crucial details for our arrival at our first stop in London.

We managed to find our way easily through London Heathrow airport and made it to our train stop, but what we didn’t plan for was the fact that our hotel was located in an area of town that did not reside on the map we had brought along. Nor did I remember to write down the exact name and address of said hotel.
It was a hot day for London and dragging our carry-on’s behind us, up and down streets in an unfamiliar part of the globe was not how I had pictured the start of our grand adventure playing out. After about a half-hour of frantic searching, I could feel the panic rising in my throat and I felt like I was going to pass out.
My brother, a former boy scout, did some figuring by the placement of the sun and determined what direction we needed to go, and we made it to the hotel. Never have I been so proud to be his sister.  He showed confidence and quick wit, while I stood helplessly begging for the sidewalk we had traversed, to open up and swallow me whole. He was brave; me not so much.To be honest, it’s always been like that, brave; me not so much.  I don’t do spiders or snakes. If something smells bad, my overactive gag reflex kicks in.  I faint at the sight of blood.  Risk-taking, it’s not real high on my to-do list.

But the journey awaits.  And it beckons me, even if I don’t have a clearly marked map.  Or cannot maneuver my way by the placement of the sun in the sky.  It calls me to places that I never thought I’d go or situations that I never dreamed I’d encounter.  It requires me to step out of my comfort zone even though I cling tight to my safety net.

Quote- An Honest Moment
The journey awaits.  And it’s not only waiting for me.  It’s beckoning you as well, isn’t it?  And thought it calls both of us, we’re not guaranteed to travel the same path.  But we are promised that no matter how far we go down or stray from the path, we will always find our way home. At the same time we are also called to be strong and courageous (Deuteronomy 31:6 ESV) and if we choose to accept this calling, the reward will outweigh any treasure we find along the journey.
I’m ready to take that first step in my journey to become strong and courageous. Are you?  Let’s go together, as far as the path will take us.
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