
Week One In Review // Make It Happen

Wow!  What a week it has been, full of excitement and lots and lots of information.  I know some of you are probably feeling overwhelmed.  

Let me tell you something.  It’s okay, I am too!

The Intentional Filling is going through some growing pains right now.  We’re at the largest number of participants we’ve had and with that, the largest number of active participants who are, out of the gate, ready to share!

Our leadership team is meeting this weekend to work out a plan to ensure that we all are making the most of our time together and so that none of us become discouraged and want to give up.

Please remember that our community wants to encourage you to participate in what you feel comfortable with.  Do as little or as much as you want and know that you’ll never be judged or condemned for your level of participation.

You are always welcome here!

To lighten the load, here’s a list of the main points of Week One:

What to Read

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What to Watch

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What to Listen to

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What to Share

  • Week One Photo Challenge Pic: Use #ItsTimeFor
  • Week One Vision Caster Assignment: Writing Your Eulogy
  • Week One Verse Mapping Challenge: Joshua 1:9
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How to Connect

  • Join the exclusive Facebook Group (check email for invite)
  • Respond to your leader’s weekly email
  • Connect with your Study Buddy (assigned in the Facebook group)
  • Follow the Imperfect Vessel – Facebook & Instagram
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Tools & Resources

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Questions or Need Clarification?

Send them here: bree@imperfectvessel.com

[divider type=”dashed” color=”grey”] [row-start] [three-fourths]Bree Blum is a 32 year old cardigan-wearing blogger who loves Jesus.  She lives in Wheeling, WV where she serves in her church as a sign language interpreter and works full time as an Administrative Assistant for a technology firm.  She has a passion for women’s ministry and speaking life into others despite her own introverted tendencies.

You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.[/three-fourths] [one-fourth][/one-fourth] [row-end]


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