
Currently {Volume Three}

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It’s another edition of Currently, where I share what’s going on currently (I know, go figure, right?) in this little life of mine.  It’s also a great opportunity for me to connect with others through the awesome link up over at A Mama Collective – they accept me, even though I’m not yet a mama, whew!  

I’d love for you to share your current happenings in the comments below or join me over at the link up – here!

Currently {volume three} - www.imperfectvessel.com

Emmanuel United Church in Eighty Four, PA

Thinking about… what a complete and total blessing it is being a part of my small group.  We’re only about a month into our regular meetings and I’ve found a sense of comfort spending time with these indivuduals, even outside of the group.  The overwhelming nature of my introversion and anxiety has subsided and I’m really enjoying the fellowship and newfound friendships.

Though I’m in a very different place in my life than two of the couples with brand new babies, God is showing me that we have more in common than I originally thought.  Three out of the nine of us who have been meeting are going through very similar situations that have rocked our foundations, made us question our faith, and our relationships with others.  It has been so good to have others to express concerns with and to rely on to build me back up when I feel like things are falling apart.

Reading about… I’ve slacked a bit on my latest read for my online Bible study.  I have, however, been reading more blog posts from those who have graciously visited this here blog and have graced my Facebook page.  Some of my favorite reads as of late have been:
    – {Faith Over Fear} My Journey Out of Hiding – Staci Payne 
    – Why You Aren’t Single Even If There’s No Ring On Your Finger – Liv Migenes
    – Embracing Imperfection – A Virtuous Woman

Currently {volume three} - www.imperfectvessel.com

Bree and a book

Listening to… my iPod on my phone, on shuffle.  Unfortunately this brings up a lot more Christmas songs than I imagined.  I actually drove home from work the other day and singing Mary Did You Know.  Guess I need to make a driving playlist!

Watching… my guilty pleasure has been going home on my lunch hour recently, to watch the BBC’s Sherlock.  And I’m pretty stoked that they just added new episodes.  Woot woot!  Oh and I watched some pretty sappy (that definiately almost had me in tears) movies on the Hallmark channel while hanging out with granma last night!  

Currently {volume three} - This is Joy! www.imperfectvessel.com

Celebrating my sister’s birthday!

Thankful for… sunshine and birds chirping!  After such a long and quite frankly miserably depressing winter, I am so happy to wake to the sounds of these feathered wings and to bask in the warmth of the sun – with sunblock of course!

Wishing/Praying for… guidance on how to approach some obstacles in my path.  I know that God is watching out for me and will never give me more than I can handle, but the fraility of being human is sometimes very overbearing.  If you’re willing, I’d really appreciate a prayer lifted up.  God knows what is on my heart.

Currently {volume three} - Farmer's Market Finds - www.imperfectvessel.com

Homemade English Muffin Bread w/ Coconut Lime Preserve & Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

This Week’s goals… well let’s see…

Last week’s goals:

  • Last minute gift for my sis – GOT IT!
  • Laundry – MOST OF IT!
  • Window AC installed – THIS HAS TO HAPPEN ASAP!
  • Appointment for oil change – HAPPENS TOMORROW!
  • Caught up on reading – NOT SO MUCH!

This week’s goals:

  • AC installed before I melt
  • Hair cut before I start getting mistaken for a mutt
  • Laundry…again
  • Grass cut and weeds pulled
  • Bedrooms in some assemblance of order
  • Get caught up on reading for OBS and eCourses
What’s up with you CURRENTLY?
Use the themes listed above or feel free to create your own!
– Link up at A Mama Collective or comment below –

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