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Unlike an Elephant, Sometimes I Forget

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You are wonderfully and perfectly made.  Did you know that?  Did you at one point in time know that, but somehow seemed to have forgotten? Unlike an elephant, sometimes I forget too!
In this life we can become so easily caught up in the things that we’re struggling with or even the things we are failing at.  It’s not hard to get caught up in the negativity of society and begin to believe there’s nothing good about yourself either. 

I get caught in this same trap myself.  I see the horrendous things that are happening half a world away in foreign lands and think that there’s no way that I could ever make a difference.  That it’s no wonder that people just give up on humanity. 

I stress and worry about my financial situation, the goings on in my life and my busier-than-ever schedule.  I eat too much to overcompensate for the lack of control that I feel, and I stare at the scale in the morning, frantically shaking my head at another day that I wasted in attempt at reaching my goal weight.

But as I read through some of the final chapters of my online Bible study book, Made to Crave, I found in the words of the author, simple reminders and glimpses of hope in all of my wallowing of self-pity. 

“I hit my goal weight and slowly slip back into old habits.  Their creeps back on and I feel like a failure.  Like I said, diets don’t work for me.  So, I’m not on a diet.  I’m on a journey with Jesus to learn the fine art of self-discipline for the purpose of holiness.” Pg. 158

“Satan wants to keep us distracted by chasing one temporary filling after another.  God wants us to step back and let the emptying process have its way until we start desiring a holier approach to life.  The gap between our frail discipline and God’s available strength is bridged with nothing but a simple choice on our part to pursue this holiness.” Pg. 168

So it’s not about hitting that goal weight or fitting into those skinny jeans I purchased a month ago that are suddenly too tight.  Life is also not about having a padded wallet or spare time.  It’s about living the life that God designed for me to live in order to fulfill His purpose; in the perfect image that he made me in; His.

My dear friend, Katy who blogs at Wild and Wanderful, shared this amazing printable yesterday that I am so excited to share with you!  She’s provided two sizes for download.  Click on the image below to be taken to get your copy today as a fantastic reminder that no matter what shape your body is in, it’s perfect just the way it is!  
I have a perfect body, but sometimes I forget.
Free printable via #WildandWanderful
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For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.  -Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

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  1. Bree, how true that we forget that we already ARE beautiful in His sight. What a great reminder to cling to the Truth that we can be victorious if only we will live for Him and not the endless stream of seemingly more important goals. So enjoyed this!
    🙂 Missy (OBS Blog Hop Team)

    1. Thank you so much for you sweet words, Missy! We CAN be victorious through Him, but it’s tough to remember that. I hope that the printable will be a great reminder for you and others of just how precious we all are. Have a great weekend!

    1. Doris, I am so blessed to know that this post has provided the words that your heart needed to hear. I pray that you continue to reminded of what worth you have in Jesus. Be blessed, my sister!

  2. Thank you Bree! These were some beautiful thoughts you shares today! Something my heart very much needed to hear!

    1. Oh Amanda, I am so glad that my post was able to reach out and speak to you! It warms my heart to be able to connect with you here and through social media. Don’t forget, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Hugs!

  3. It is encouraging to be reminded that we need to remember what this courageous journey is about-following what God wants for our lives(intimacy).

      1. Jenn, you are SOO right! He is an awesome and mighty God. Sometimes we’re just too good at putting Him in a box when really our understanding of how much he really does love us is unimaginable! I hope that the printable will be a great reminder for you on those days that your true beauty slips your mind! Be blessed today and always!

    1. Valerie,
      It does take a lot of courage to venture out on our own journeys, into the unknown, but we must also remember that He is with us every step of the way, reminding us of how incredibly worthy and perfect we are, even if we don’t always see it ourselves. He loves you, so open up your heart and let Him in! Many blessings!

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, Cynthia! I am touched to know that this post has spoken to you. Have a blessed weekend!

  4. Your post reminded me of a verse that goes perfectly with your words of wisdom! In Psalms it says ‘the memory of the righteous is blessed”! May we remember all the way He has lead us, His promises for the future and to listen for His voice today! Bless you!

    1. Oh Jeannie, how funny! I nearly included that verse with this post, but for some reason or another I didn’t. So thank you so much for sharing it here! Maybe it was meant to be that you remember it yourself! 🙂 He has a surprising way of touching each of us, we just have to be ever mindful of not shutting out those moments.

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