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Week Three | The Mystery of the Name

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Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus Online Biblical Study
Reading Assignment – Chapters 5 & 6
Listen to the Audio version | Reading Time: 5 minutes

“Hi, I’m Gloria Limann.” It doesn’t sound like much of an introduction, but when we look at names from a Hebraic perspective, we can gather so much more from those few words.

We learned from Kristi McLelland that in Hebrew, your name is your verb.  Lois Tverberg also says on Pg. 84 of Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus, “In the ancient Near East, a person’s name was intimately linked to his or her identity and reputation.”

For years, I’ve had a poster hanging on the wall in my bedroom listing many of the names of God. I’ve always loved this great reminder of God’s many roles and how difficult it is for us to truly describe who and all that He is.

He is called:

  • Advocate – 1 John 2:1
  • Lamb of God – John 1:29
  • The Resurrection and The Life – John 11:25
  • Lord of Lords – 1 Timothy 6:15
  • Wonderful Counselor – Isaiah 9:6
  • Master – Matthew 8:19
  • High Priest – Hebrews 6:20
  • I Am – John 8:58
  • Living Water – John 4:10
  • Bread of Life – John 6:35
  • Rose of Sharon – Song of Solomon 2:1
  • Teacher – John 3:2
  • King of Kings – 1 Timothy 6:15
  • Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9:6
  • King of the Jews – Mark 15:26
  • The Way, The Truth, and The Life – John 14:6

Just to name a few. 

Each of God’s names carries a different message, weight, and purpose. Every name and title reveal specific details about the character and heart of God. When God reveals Himself to people, He does so in ways that an intimate connection is made with Him. 

God has been intentional since the beginning of time with names.  He even paid special attention when He named Adam and Eve. Their names describe the roles they have played for all of humanity. 

It’s interesting to consider that everyone’s name reveals something about them.

Glory Carrier

“Gloria,” is a feminine name of Latin origin meaning, “glory, immortal glory, fame, renown, praise, honor”. The Hebrew word for “glory” is kabod which is mentioned 199 times in the Old Testament. In English, it is translated as, “weight, strength, power, and ability and also means honor, glory, magnificence, dignity, and splendor”.

At my tiny Christian high school graduation, of a class of three, Pastor Mark McMillen shared individualized words of encouragement for each of us.  It was then, as he spoke to me, I learned for the first time how my name is my verb. 

He told me, “You release the glory of God, you allow the awesomeness of His presence to permeate every part of your being, and it’s like, ‘I gotta let it out!’ I see you as a ‘glory carrier’, you carry the presence of God and you let Him out. So I would encourage you today to continue to look for areas where you can let the glory come out. I see this as things that are not the traditional ways of letting out glory. I believe the Holy Spirit will show you in the night time, ways to dispense His presence… You’re a ‘glory carrier’, you carry the presence of God and you’re designed to let Him out.” 

Even now I feel humbled by the tremendous weight of the privilege to be called God’s “glory carrier”, designed to release His amazing love and glory. 

I have taken this responsibility very seriously. I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Educational Ministries, and continue to study the Bible and seek moments to share the awesomeness of God with others. I never dreamed all those years ago, I would be writing blogs, recording podcasts, and helping to lead online Biblical studies. I am daily in awe of the doors God opens and how He coordinates and arranges opportunities for me to share His glory.

What’s in a Name

It’s interesting how, when I introduce myself with my simple introduction, I actually share a lot about myself. First, I don’t say, “My name is.” Although that would still be a perfectly fine and polite introduction, I’m more likely to say, “I’m” which indicates I’ve taken ownership of and have accepted my name as my identity. My name is who I am. And I know my name is my verb and what it says about my character and my heart.

When I share my last name, it indicates the family I am connected with and represent. As a member of the Limann family, I am associated with and connected to everyone who shares or has ever shared my family name. 

Being the youngest of my siblings, I learned pretty quickly that my last name held weight and expectation, with the teachers who had taught my older siblings.  I also come from a long line of musicians, as my great grandfather played and tuned pianos, my grandparents played instruments in bands, my parents both played the saxophone and met in their college band, and all my siblings were in the band. The first time I walked into the middle school band room holding my flute, I felt the pressure that I better be good at this. 

But along with the expectations that come with being a member of the Limann family, come countless blessings.

The Mystery of the Name

When we become believers and followers of Jesus Christ, we are adopted into His family and given VIP access to all the blessings and benefits of being a member. When we have the family name, Christian, we tell others that we are “of Christ”. 

“God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.”
Ephesians 1:5, NLT

As Christians, we represent Jesus Christ and fellow Christians. We’re held to a specific standard as Christians. Just like my siblings created a reputation for me to maintain, we must be mindful of the reputation we form as a member of the body of Christ. And more importantly, we need to be mindful of what our words and actions say about our Heavenly Father. Are we representing Him well?

Lois says on Pg. 86, “You might not think that God’s reputation would be important to him, but the idea of his reputation expanding throughout the world is a central theme of the biblical story.  At first, God taught only Israel how to live, but he intended that they’d be a ‘light to the nations.'” Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus

Just like the Limann family are known as musicians, God’s family has a very important reputation to uphold. We are called to be known for sharing God’s love. Jesus told His followers in John 13:15, NLT, “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” 

“We need to always be aware that the world is watching so that our actions reflect the holiness and love of the God we serve.”

Lois Tverberg, Pg. 90, Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus

We represent our Heavenly Father and Christian siblings well when we care about others and extend His love to those around us. 

“Hi, I’m Gloria Limann, and I’m God’s “glory carrier”.

1. Each of God’s names carries a different message, weight, and purpose.
2. A person’s name is their verb and is intimately linked to his or her identity and reputation.
3. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are adopted into His family.
4. We are called to represent the name of God well.

What is the meaning of your name, and how is it your verb? What are some ways that you can represent the name of God well?

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Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus | Lois Tverberg

A 7-week study that will challenge you to follow Rabbi Jesus more closely by re-examining His words in the light of their Jewish context, to provide a richer, deeper understanding of His ministry, compelling us to live differently, and to begin to understand why His first Jewish disciples abandoned everything to follow him, to live out His commands.

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Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus by Lois Tverberg - Fall 2022 Online Biblical Study | Intentionalfilling.com

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