
Too Busy to Rest

Hi, I’m Bree, and I’m too busy to rest.

I work full time and run two small businesses.  I create and sell handmade pottery with my mom, and I also create and sell Bible study resources and faith-based apparel, as well as lead online Bible studies.  I’m my own graphic designer, business manager, and accountant.  I manage a team of four.  And sometimes, I get a bite to eat and occasionally sleep.

Free time almost seems like a dirty word!!  😂

You’re busy too.  You’re managing a household, trying to keep things together while rocking a baby to sleep, or maybe you’re teaching a classroom full of little minds.  You are an administrator or an executive working all the hours to get all the things done.  No matter what fills your day, it’s full.  Life is insanely busy!

Society has compelled us to believe we must keep the hustle going to be worthy.  But I’m here to tell you that you are permitted to pause, take a break, and do something life-giving and not feel guilty about it!!

Welcome to the Intentional Filling, where women of all ages, walks of life, backgrounds, and seasons are welcome to take a deep breath and let their hair down!

Let me tell you how you can do just that…

Too Busy to Rest | Blog Post by Intentional Filling


Step One: Pause & Ask for God’s guidance

What better way is there to find your true fill than to ask for guidance from the One who is the Water of Life?

Ask for the Spirit to lead you in the act of surrender, to protect your time, and to help you find peace and rest.

Take a Break

Step Two: Take a break before you break

Take five minutes (set a timer, if it helps) to grab a piece of paper to create a “Daily Fill Routine.”

Just as David alludes to in Psalm 23, God desires to provide for us, to give us this day, our daily bread, our 24-hour fill-up. But we must make a choice whether we’ll make the time to take it.  Or if we’ll continue to run off the fumes of the day before.

Here are a few ideas of how you can receive your daily fill:

  • Morning Routine – Spend some time talking with God as you get ready in the morning.  He doesn’t mind if it is while you’re shampooing your hair, applying eyeliner, or making coffee.  He is ready to spend time together with you when you are.
  • Commute to Work / Running Errands – Listen to a sermon from your favorite pastor or a podcast that inspires your faith.  That Sounds Fun by Annie F. Downs is my absolute favorite!
  • Bible Study or Devotions Before the Crazy Begins – As much as this sounds impossible, if you can get up just 10 minutes earlier, you’ll have plenty of time to find the renewed strength that only God provides for the day ahead of you.

Do Something Live-Giving

Step Three: Put that faith into action!

This step is when the rubber meets the road, but my friend, it doesn’t have to be scary!  Remember, this step is something for you and is something life-giving, not draining.

Need an idea?  Sign up for our upcoming online Bible study, When Less Becomes More by Emily Ley, where the focus is to fill you up, not create another item for your to-do list!

Now open your planner, paper or digital, and make yourself an appointment.  Lock that appointment in place or write it in PEN if you have to because you owe yourself this time.  No excuses or rescheduling.  “Me time” is non-negotiable! 😉

Go the Extra Mile

If you want to take this a step further, consider planning a personal retreat for yourself, to go alone or with your bestie(s)!!

Think this sounds like a dream, but you don’t have the slightest clue where you’d begin to plan such an escape?

This post includes excerpts from my guidebook, How to Plan & Execute a Personal Retreatthat will walk you through step-by-step in planning out every detail — even down to your menu — of your much needed time of rest.

"How to Plan & Execute a Personal Retreat" Guidebook | Intentional Filling

And because I know you’ll say, “But, I’m too busy,” I want to become your cheerleader for a moment and remind you that you are permitted to pause, take a break, and do something life-giving and not feel guilty about it.  You’re worth it, my friend!!

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