How a Ministry Mindset Changes Everything
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Growing up, I was always shy and backward. I was (and still am) a true Momma’s girl. I’ve loved Jesus from the very beginning and was involved in church even at a young age.
I still remember standing at the lectern at around the age of 10, in front of the congregation with tears streaming down my face as I tried to read the scripture out of my children’s Bible. I stuttered over the words and silently praised God when I was finished and could sit down again.
Full-time ministry wasn’t on my radar as I entered my college career, even though at the time I was serving as a Sunday school teacher. I wanted to be in a real classroom. I wanted to impact young lives. But the teaching gig left me wanting more once I had earned my degrees.
I caught the ministry bug when I agreed to be a camp counselor one summer at the same camp where I gave my life to Christ. That was in 2007, and I have sought ways to help others fall in love with Jesus every day since.
Full-time ministry should be written on every believer’s resume.
Full-time ministry should be written on every believer’s resume. No matter your job title, what kind of office you report to, if you wear a suit and tie or your pajamas and stale Cheerios to work. No matter the heft (or lack thereof) of your salary, we are ALL called to a life of ministry in spreading the Good News!
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19–20, NIV).
How a Ministry Mindset Changes Everything
When I first started my job as the Administrative Assistant for the university I graduated from, I was nervous. Not because I was returning to my alma mater, but because I was leaving a job as an Executive Director of an outreach ministry and retreat center and entering the Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
From the world’s standard, you couldn’t find two more unalike positions.
I struggled to understand how I was supposed to take my experience in vocational ministry and tone it down to fit within the realms of the science world?
I remember a phone call conversation with my friend one night during my first week on the job. She told me that maybe I wouldn’t find a lot of God in my new workplace, but that I could bring Him with me.
Wow! What a mindset shift! Sure I wouldn’t be doing ministry in the sense that I had been in running a food pantry and organizing home repairs for families in poverty, but I could continue to serve people with the love and grace of Christ… in a science building.
Having a ministry mindset is simply taking a faith-filled approach to your life’s work.
Having a ministry mindset is simply taking a faith-filled approach to your life’s work.
It doesn’t have to be starting a Bible study during your lunch break, though that would be incredible. It doesn’t have to be setting up a collection of non-perishable items during the holidays to give to the local food bank, but that would be amazing too.
Having a ministry mindset is as easy as seeing those you work with through the lens of Christ.
Having a ministry mindset is as easy as seeing those you work with through the lens of Christ.
Sure there’s that one co-worker or client that can’t seem to get along with anyone. Instead of rolling your eyes with the rest of the crew, how do you think your mindset may shift if you’d take five minutes out of your day and truly listen to what is going on in that person’s life? Maybe you’d learn that you have something in common or you could at least take to pray for the concerns that is expressed.
The more that you pray for someone, even if you don’t tell them that you are, the more human they become and the more compassion you will begin to feel towards them… no matter how combative, disruptive, inconsiderate, or down-right rude they can be.
Grace goes a long way!
Having a ministry mindset changes how you view the world around you.
Having a ministry mindset changes how you view the world around you.
It changes how you react in difficult circumstances. It changed the way that you view others and how you speak to them. But most of all, it gifts you an opportunity to shine the love and grace of Christ on others… and be true to yourself and your faith.
As you begin to consider your approach to the new year, consider changing your New Year’s Resolution to something with a bit more stick-to-it-ness than losing the 20 pounds you’ve gained from all the Christmas cookies, and consider how a ministry mindset changes everything. How it can change YOU!
I’d love to hear how you’ve adopted a Ministry Mindset in your day-to-day living.
Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Bree is a recovering perfectionist whose weaknesses include the dollar spot at Target and any pretty office supplies. Though she is an introvert, she has an insatiable craving for community and a desire to bring light to God’s purpose in the imperfections of life. Read More