Thought-spirations {eight twenty-two}
Need some thought-spirations to get you going and to help ease you back into the groove for the week? Try these on for size!
Let Us… – Lovely Does It
While reading Amy’s reflections on Hebrews 10:19-25, all I could think about is my small group and how the presence of six or more people gathered together weekly has been such a blessing to my spirit and to my mental well-being.
Dash of Sass: You Are Enough – The Single Woman
Mandy’s words are a great reminder that we should not compare our beginnings to someone else’s middle or end. Strike out on your own path and enjoy the ride!
Do You Want to Build a SnowWOMAN? – Absolutely Mommy
While the rest of the world is screaming NO to Let It Go, Megan is learning that Frozen isn’t just another Disney music with lyrics that won’t.just.go.away, but rather a reminder to little girls everywhere that you are enough and you don’t need a man in order to be happy.
There’s Something You Should Know About Me – Holley Gerth
Have you ever worked so hard to hide a part of you that you didn’t want the world to know about, only to thoroughly exhaust yourself through the process of concealment? It’s a day to day struggle for many people whose personalities fall in the category of introversion. I’m definitely one of them and so is Holley Gerth.
Dose of Hope: Know – Pray. Live. Create.
Knowing who you are, it’s something that adults question all of the time. If only we would stop and remember that God already knows us, inside and out. And knowing that should be such a sigh of relief because He made us to be, just the way we are.
10 Things I’ve Learned About Being Single
(That I Didn’t Know 10 Years Ago) – Gimme Some Oven
I think I could have written this post – honestly! So many great lessons have been learned in the last 10 years, especially when it comes to living life single. This is a great read even if you’re not un-attached; it may provide a reminder or a bit of encouragement for those in your life who are.
What I Wish I Had Known or Done Differently
as a New Blogger – Life Could Be A Dream
As a blogger, I’m always trying to find ways to improve my approach, my content and the look of my blog. Ongoing upkeep is important, but these few lessons are ones to really hold on to, no matter what stage of blogging you’re in!
Posts You May Have Missed
Imperfect Vessel Style
– Tid Bits of Life {and a Q&A}
– How I Came to be a Recovering Perfectionist
– I’ve Never Been to Vegas But My Luggage Has {Book Review}
Honored to be included here! Great roundup!
Thanks Kim! I love your posts – always such inspiring words that touch my heart or make me giggle too loudly for an office setting! 🙂