
2014 Vision Board

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2014 Vision Board - imperfectvessel.com
At the beginning of last year, I made a promise that to myself that I would become the best Bree that I could be and I went about making a Vision board (learn how to make your own here) for 2013.  I took ideas and quotes that I found on Pinterest that spoke to me and made a collage of what I felt needed to be done over the next 365 days.
Six months ago I did a “Self Check-up” to see how well I was progressing through the visions I had for myself.  It was incredible to see how many things that I had achieved, without true conscious effort.  I have since doubled the amount of weight loss that I had seen back in June and have made further progress on most of the areas discussed in my reflection.  So when it came time to consider making a New Year’s resolution for 2014, I decided that another Vision Board would be the way to go.Here’s what I’ve come up with…

 The quotes and scriptures that I have collected are all things that I feel are attainable goals throughout the year. Most are reminders of things that I am currently doing, but hope to inspire motivation to maintain, but a few are new, including my word for the year.

In addition to a Vision Board for 2014, I have selected a word in which most of my goals are centered around. Last year, I chose “positive” to be my word or choice of motivation.  I had been battling anxiety and inwardly began beating myself up over it, so I made the conscious decision to move forward through my thirtieth year in a light of positivity.  And honestly, I have more than achieved this goal.  Through a renewed faith, an exercise regimen and by reading A Confident Heart by Renee Swope, I have found a confidence and positive outlook that I did not believe possible.

[Tweet “#WordoftheYear #intentional – to live, love, work & blog w/ purpose & for the glory of God.”]
It is my hope and prayer that through effort (conscious or unconscious) that I am able to live this fully this year.
  • Living Intentionally – this year, I choose to live the life that I was intended to live; to step outside my comfort zone and explore areas of my heart and mind that I have held back in fear for so long.  I intend to live in a manner that not only provides fulfillment and enjoyment to myself, but that of others that I interact with throughout the coming year.
  •  Loving Intentionally – the introvert side of me often says that it’s okay to remain closed off from the outside world and stay within an environment of comfort and ease, rather than extend myself to those in my life.  I intend to be a better friend, sister, daughter, granddaughter, cousin, niece and significant other (if it be God’s will) going forward.
  • Working Intentionally – not only in my day-to-day job, but also in any work that I do outside of my 8-5, I intend to do with vigor, and with more enthusiasm.  I also intend to only take on jobs and additional work that will benefit what I am already doing in my life, rather than spreading myself thinner.
  • Blogging Intentionally – Since I have made the change to Breething and moving more towards a e-ministry in reaching out to others to inspire change for their betterment, I have been trying to present content that promotes this vision.  Blogging is hard, especially when there’s so many things going on in life, but I intend to plan ahead and come up with topics/ideas for each month in 2014 that can motivate more thoughtful, intentional and inspiring writing for my readers.

2013: Vision Board Check-up

2013 Vision Board - imperfectvessel.com

Patience & Relinquishing Control – it’s always a struggle, being human, but through my renewed and deeper faith, I have been able to let go and let God.

Confidence & Positive Outlook – through my faith, slimmer figure, additional energy (from exercise) and the inspiring words and thoughts of Renee Swope, I have made major improvements in this area.

Exercise to be Fit – Losing 30lbs in seven months – yup, I’ve got it!

Love-Laugh More & Stress Less – Still a work in progress, but with a more positive outlook, I’m doing better.

Trusting myself – Also a work in progress. Tendencies of doubt and lack of confidence still creep in.

Grow more in Faith – With the need of getting to the root meaning of scriptures and sermons on a weekly basis in providing sign language interpretation at my church, my faith has definitely increased.

Want to Create Your Own Vision Board?

You’re in luck!  Check out my “How To” guide to create your own Vision Board using PicMonkey.

Free and with step-by-step directions, you’ll soon be on your way to having your very own board to inspire and motivate you all the way through next December!

How to Create a Vision Board - imperfectvessel.com

Don’t have time to create one right now?  Drag your mouse over the image and “Pin it” for later!

IV Signature

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