With notifications pinging us to alertness of all that is happening in the world around us, it’s often hard to imagine finding the quietness necessary to experience peace.And with the world seeming to continue its orbit at warp speed, begs the question, if we have enough time, or are willing to dedicate crucial time for ourselves to sit and be. To be still. And to come to know ourselves and our God just a bit better.
Fall will soon be upon us. Ready or not, the leaves will soon be changing, the temperatures dropping, and pumpkin spiced everything will be hitting the shelves in stores near you!Fall also means wardrobe changes from shorts and tanks, to scarves, layered tops, and comfy sweaters. And the ideal evenings on the porch will quickly turn to curling up on the couch with a blanket, cup of tea, and a good book.
Life nowadays seems to be happening so fast, nearly spinning out of control as we try to accomplish countless things on our to-do lists. How is it possible to find the time to enjoy the coziness of a warm blanket, a cup of tea, and a good book?
It’s do-able. I pinky-promise!
Starting this fall, The Imperfect Vessel plans to host a book study meant to inspire you and guide you in your daily walk through this crazy thing called life. It is my hope that you would take part and see just how the words of various authors can inspire change, improvements, and a life lived in satisfaction and fulfillment.
Each study is FREE and will last 8-10 weeks, depending on the book that we’ll be covering. All that you need to do to participate is to sign up using the form below in order to join The Intentional Filling Book Study.
You will receive updates via email and an invitation to join the closed Facebook group where you can participate in discussions. It is up to you whether or not to purchase the book.
Why “The Intentional Filling”?
When I began exploring the idea of hosting a book study (thanks to the suggestion of my sweet friend, Staci) I knew that I wanted a significant name for it and not just “The Imperfect Vessel’s Book Study”. I asked for some suggestions on
Facebook and some of the feedback I received pulled me towards the idea of
filling our earthly vessels in some form.I don’t know if you remember, but at the beginning of this year
I selected a word to live by for 2014. This year’s word is
As I continued to contemplate a name, a whisper to my heart told me that we all strive to be intentionally filled by something. Often times we fill those voids with the wrong things, destructive things, but that this book study would be a way to close that gap within each of us in a manner that is pleasing to God.
So The Intentional Filling is being created with that “intention”; to fill the void that exists within each of us. Instead of satisfying the ache of this void with things of this world, we will use this time together and the words from various authors to fill the void with words that empower and inspire us to live more closely with God; allowing HIM to be the thing that makes us whole.
Fall Study (launches Sept. 21st)
The first book we’ll be covering is Let’s All Be Brave: Living Life With Everything You Have by Annie F. Downs. If your life is full of activity but there is still a part of you that feels empty, then this book is for YOU! The study will begin on September 21st and run for 10 weeks, until November 23rd.
“To believe in yourself means to believe that God made you and there is no one like you, that you have a unique call to courage, and that you can do the thing that is staring you in the face.” – Annie F. Downs, Let’s All Be Brave
My Question to You…
Will you join me as we look at just what it means to be brave? Will you join me as we learn how trusting in our Creator can change the map of our lives, placing us in a position where taking that first brave step forward can help us to find satisfaction, fulfillment, and allow us to fully thrive?
This post may include affiliate links and/or covers products provided for review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Please read the policies for full disclosure.
Affiliate Disclaimer: We’re here to help you learn and grow, so naturally, we share affiliate links for products that we use and love. When you click on one of these links, we will earn a small amount of money, at no additional cost to you, which we’ll use towards keeping the lights on here! Read our full disclaimer — https://intentionalfilling.com/disclaimer-policy/
Love the name you chose! I think this is a great idea! I hope to join the next book study!
Thanks, Tiffany! I look forward to having you as a part of the group!
2 things that made me go from “can I do this?” to “I need to do this”, first, being intentional. That’s also my word for this year. And second, the book. I’ve been aching to read it. Thank you for setting this up! My heart is so ready!!