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Week One | The Lies We Think & Believe

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Welcome + Week One | Get Out of Your Head Online Book Study
Reading Assignments – Ch. 1, 2 & 3
Listen to the Audio version | Read time 7-minutes

Chip and Joanna Gaines, the inspiration behind the HGTV show, Fixer Upper, has grown in such popularity over the last several years that their company, Magnolia, has five million followers on Instagram (at least at the time that I write this post).  

We love a good home renovation project.  And shiplap, give us ALL the shiplap!

There’s just something about watching someone from the outside to come and transform a property from the inside out — it inspires us and moves us to makeover our own spaces.

Yet we struggle to accept a renovation of our own property, our hearts and minds, from the outside in.

“Therefore, I urge you, [brothers and] sister, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing, and perfect will.”
Romans 12:1-2, NIV

I want to take a moment and pray for us as we learn about and experience our own transformations in the coming weeks as we begin this online study of, Get Out of Your Head, by Jennie Allen.

We invite you into our hearts and minds to prepare us — as we begin this study — for a transformation that exceeds our expectations — that leaves us in the same kind of awe that we find in watching those home renovation shows.  Expose the foundations of our hearts and minds, and uncover the places that need to be rebuilt or strengthened to support the transformation and growth to come.  But in doing so, Lord, send your Helper to aide us in this uncomfortable uncovering and refining.  Protect us in our vulnerable state from the enemy, I pray in Jesus’ name!  Amen.

When I stepped into a position with a title that seemed too big for me, the very first things that I tackled in managing the organization were minimal, but helped me to “make it my own”.  

I tossed three garbage bags full of fake flowers caked with years of dust that crowded every window ledge or bookshelf.  I rearranged the furniture in my office, moved a desk from the basement and into place for my co-worker to use when she worked onsite.  And with my parents’ help, covered up the walls with a fresh coat of paint.

The transformation made a world of difference to the surface appearance, but the issues ran much deeper than simply clearing the clutter and moving my oversized desk into a different configuration.

That first week also contained the unsettling reality that the role I had stepped into was much larger and complex than what was advertised, so I forced myself to ignore the lie scratching at the back of my throat that I was going to fail in this position.

But the lie only spread.  Doubt settled in and took root as I presented evidence of previous mismanagement that I had unearthed.  

And in the matter of a week, I went from the Board members’ unanimous choice for the position to one who was scrutinized and criticized for every move I made.  And they didn’t act alone.

Volunteers and members of the community, one built upon faith and fellowship, were quickly consumed by the lie of doubt… until it engulfed my own heart in flames.

Every attempt that I made to shed light and truth seemed to be as effective as a squirt gun’s chance against a raging forest fire.

The foundation on which I had built my life, seemed to be crumbling, as I found myself in full fits of rage, anger, and fury, as I’ve never known for myself. I didn’t recognize myself anymore. I battled more anxiety attacks in the first few months of my position than I had in the previous 33 years of my life.

And no matter how many hours I spent in the therapy or attempts I made to seek help within the leadership of the organization to lessen the load I bore, I came face to face with opposition.

But nothing spoke truer to the depths of deceit than the meeting called by the members of the rural congregation that met within the four walls of the organization.  It was in that meeting that they aired their grievances about me to my immediate supervisor, who sat quietly by, as they attempted to convince her that I had “sucked the Holy Spirit out of the place”.

I didn’t know I was that powerful.  In fact, I’m not that powerful… but the enemy, Satan is.

Though he does not know our thoughts, as only God is omnipotent and omnipresent (all-knowing and ever-present) the enemy is only a good student of what makes us tick, and cunningly and quickly manipulates them to our disadvantage.

Anxiety attacks often come through negative thoughts that swim and swirl in an uneasy and sickening wave.  One thing that I’ve learned about these thoughts and why they can be so debilitating, is because they are manipulated by the enemy and come to us in our own voice within our head, which is easier to believe… instead of the Truth that God promises.

So as I read the first three chapters of Get Out of Your Head, by Jennie Allen, I nodded fervently when she addressed the three lies that we believe:

  1. I’m helpless
  2. I’m worthless
  3. I’m unlovable

“What we believe and what we think matters, and the enemy knows it. And he determined to get in your head to distract you from doing good and to sink you so deep that you feel helpless, overwhelmed, shut down, and incapable of rising to make a difference for the kingdom of God.”

jennie Allen, get out of your head (pg. 10-11)

There were many nights, early on in that position that I’d lay in bed thinking I was going to die in my sleep because of the waves of the anxiety and bouts of tachycardia that kept crashing over me. I waged war with my thoughts on how I was ever going to make something out of the mess I was in… and how I was ever going to survive the process.

And eerily enough, those rages of fury and anger that burned in me, that seemed to come out of nowhere, subsided entirely as soon as I drove away after 11 months fighting for the organization, for my life, and for my soul.

The enemy is real, my friend.  He seeks to kill, steal, and destroy.

But God is real.  And so is His Son, Jesus, who came to give us life, and life to the full.

God’s promises are true, that He will deliver us from evil. 
We just have to be bold enough to make the choice to pursue Him.


Identify – In this week’s reading Jennie shares a sobering story about how she became certain that what Scripture says about God, Heaven, the enemy, the war we’re in — that they’re all true (pg. 19).

Join the Discussion – Tell us where you’re from and what part spoke to you most from this week’s reading assignments? Was there a time in your life when Scripture became more than just words on a page to you?

Share with us in the comments; we’d love to hear from you!

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  1. Bree thank you so much for sharing your story. I feel so much of that echoing in my life right now. As a teacher during a global pandemic, it’s like it’s my first year again. On top of that, this is the year I made the move to a new position. I feel so much doubt and overwhelming anxiety at times. I feel like I’m doing all I can but still falling short. When I started my faith journey I didn’t realize that the battle for my own mind would be an ongoing war. Thankfully, God’s promises are there to help me remember the truth.

    1. Oh, Paige! I can only imagine how difficult this school year is, just based on the transition to a new position, but to have a global pandemic on top of it. Student teaching never mentioned anything about mask mandates or the percent of alcohol in hand sanitizer! I’ve been praying for you and your kiddos — and will intentionally ask for the Spirit to help you provide you comfort and peace that goes beyond all understanding as you lead and guide these little ones. Thank GOD that we don’t have to do any of this alone!! Virtual hugs, my friend!

    2. Paige I’m so very proud of you! Any piece of your current situation sounds like too much to handle and to have it all happening at once must be beyond overwhelming. Of course continued prayers for you and your students. *Hugs*

    3. Paige, thank you for all that you are undoubtedly doing for your students and their families! I cannot imagine being a teacher during this pandemic… just remember that all you can do this year is to try your best to teach your students the best ways you can right now. Don’t compare it to other years, because 2020 is definitely in a class of its own! <3

  2. Bree I appreciate hearing your story of the position that was too big for you. I felt very similar when I was an administrator at a daycare. The responsibility was beyond me, beyond my age and maturity, beyond my skill set and education. My desk was also too big for me I felt power behind it but also kinda felt like I was a little kid wearing my dad’s shoes. My anxiety was in full force while I tried for years to fill a role that I just didn’t fit in. Sure I didn’t some things well and I managed to keep everyone alive and cared for but it never really was something I could do for any length of time. I related so well to what you shared and what Jennie mentioned when you just know the enemy is fighting big time. There was so much unnecessary drama among the staff and the pressure from the state compliance inspectors it was just too much. Oh gosh I don’t even want to know what the new compliance regulations are now with a pandemic. Just thinking about it gives me anxiety. Paige I know you’re teaching and I know Stephanie is working with children. You ladies are absolutely amazing. I’m so thankful that we know where our help comes from, and that it truly comes from the Lord the Maker of Heaven and Earth. He is still in control even while everything feels so out of control and so overwhelming. Through it all He is still with us.

    1. I agree that sometimes when life seems the most ridiculous, it’s easier to see that it’s the enemy waging war. In the normal day-to-day, his subtle tactics seem easier to miss or look over. You are so right though- our help comes from the Lord! I need to be better about recognizing this in the midst of the chaos, instead of in hindsight!

      1. Gloria and Stephanie,
        I wholeheartedly agree! Those everyday battles sometimes get overlooked in comparison to the bigger challenges. I need to be more verbal in declaring that I do NOT stand for the enemy’s attacks.

  3. Bree, thanks for sharing your story. I also had a previous job that gave me some anxiety in the beginning. This job was a very difficult job ( I knew it was going to be very challenging before I took it), but I know I was personally called to it. Funny how a job brought me a lot of fear and anxiety ( even went to counseling because of it due to Postpartum Depression), but I learned so much from it and grew closer in my relationship with God. I almost resigned from my position the first month I started. However, I ended up staying for 6 years ( I actually miss it). What changed? I was trying to deal with everything on my own. I would talk to family and friends, but I wasn’t bringing it to God. The only way I could do this job was with His help. I needed to put the armor on each day and fight. When I was seeking God fully, my attitude and job changed. I saw it through new lense and my fear/ anxiety went away. God is do more powerful than the enemy and our minds. I love he provides us just what we need when we need it.

    1. Amen! It’s great that you were able to see the difference between doing your job on your own and doing your job while fully seeking God in it. I think that this is something I could really work on. I tend to get so caught up in the day-to-day at work and trying to do “my” best that I forget that I can lean on Him for His best and His provision.

      1. Sarah, what a beautiful revelation to be able to see the difference between your own efforts in comparison to when you invited God in. It reminds me of when the disciples invited Jesus into the boat after Peter’s attempt at walking on water. It says that once He entered the boat they immediately reached their destination — even though they had been struggling in their own strength for hours against the storm. Thank you for that reminder!

  4. Hey! I’m Stephanie, and I’m from Wheeling, WV. I think one of the things that stuck out to me most about this week’s reading was how much our thoughts can affect our physical health- wow!

    1. Hi Stephanie! Our thoughts have more power than we give them credit for and unfortunately I have experienced this first hand on a few different occasions. BUT God is more powerful and we must keep in mind that He is able to help us to learn and grow through those experiences, even if it doesn’t seem like the outcome or experience we ever thought we’d find ourselves.

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