Essential Oils: Fad or Lifestyle?
Just rub a little Peppermint here. Diffuse a little Lavender there.
Holy moly essential oils, you’re everywhere!
Within the last few years essential oils have popped up all over the radar. Well, at the least they have been on my radar, and I’ve had mixed feelings about the whole thing. While I am definitely more health conscious now than I have been in years past, and I am a proponent of more natural approaches to do things (I oil-pull after all) the thought of replacing my medicine cabinet with a bunch of herbal tinctures seemed a bit… extreme. And I was more than skeptical.
I have suffered from seasonal allergies and chronic sinusitis for the majority of my life. Being a big fan of the outdoors doesn’t help. So when I had made my fifth trip to the urgent care last fall for another sinus flare up, I’d about had it with paying for another dose of antibiotics and steroids that barely touched the symptoms I was dealing with. So out of curiosity I decided to do some reading.
As God would have it (because I no longer believe in coincidence), a blog post popped up on my Bloglovin’ feed by Jana of Life Could Be a Dream. She spoke honestly about her initial concerns of sharing some of her favorite products and making a profit from it, but my biggest take away was when she talked about jumping on the bandwagon that really isn’t much of a bandwagon at all.
My eyes were finally opened to essential oils in the way that they should be viewed in the first place; as an approach to health and wellness the way that God designed.
I sent Jana a message and thanked her for her honesty and the fresh perspective on the topic, and she graciously answered some of the questions that I had about using oils, as well as the best approach to caring for my sinus health. And over the last year I’ve been using oils (both doTERRA and Young Living alike) to help prevent the onset of seasonal health upsets and discomforts… God’s way.
“He is the God who made the world and everything in it. Since he is Lord of heaven and earth, he doesn’t live in man-made temples, and human hands can’t serve his needs—for he has no needs. He himself gives life and breath to everything, and he satisfies every need. Acts 17:24-25
God created the pungent leaves of Peppermint that cool and refresh the body. He created the long stems and purple buds of Lavender that soothe and calm the soul. He also created the human body, so intricate in His likeness, and tends to all of His creation, working to provide the satisfaction of every need through His outstretched hand.
The magnitude of how He provides for us is humbling. And our only response should be with a heart oozing forth gratitude.
In the letter to the church of Corinth, the apostle Paul writes about just how precious our bodies are. They’re not disposable containers. If you are a follower of Christ, your body is considered a temple in which the Holy Spirit dwells.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
I cannot think of any other way to show my dire appreciation for His involvement in my life other than to use the resources He created in order to care this precious vessel.
So I gotta ask, does this make me look fad if I rub on some oils? Maybe. But if it’s God-honoring, I really don’t mind.
Want to learn more about essential oils and how you can incorporate them into your daily routine? Read more here.
I love love love this post! I have yet to try essential oils for things, but they’ve been peeking my interest lately! I hadn’t thought of it as a way that honors God, but you are so right! Thank you so much for sharing your heart in this post! 🙂
Hi Kaycie! Thanks for your comment. I am so happy that my experience was able to provide a new perspective for you. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about my experience with oils, feel free to message me. I’d love to chat with you. <3
I hear really great things about essential oils! I know that it saves many large families I know a ton of money that they’d otherwise spend on doctors visits!
I personally haven’t used any oils, but if the opportunity presents itself (say, a friend that sits beside me in church happens to have a bottle for whatever may aile me), I’d gladly try!
Kela, thanks for stopping by and for commenting. Oils have been a great blessing to help keep me well. That’s great that you’re open to the opportunity. If you have any questions or would like suggestions of what oils might be good to start out with, please feel free to send me a message. Be blessed!
I still view essential oils as something as a fad but I do know that sometimes the natural remedies work best. Pleased to hear they have been a help to you 🙂
Thank you for linking up with us at #JoyHopeLive!
Thank you for this post about essential oils. I have been hearing more and more about them and my son’s girlfriend has been teaching me about them. I have not started using them because I haven’t had the time to research them more but I am interested in doing this. Thank you for sharing this at The Weekend Brew.
Hi Mary! I’m so glad that you found this post beneficial. If you have any questions or would like to hear more about how I have used them, please feel free to contact me. Be blessed!