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Lessons in Life and Blogging

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As you may already know (or maybe you don’t), I’ve been busting my bum over the last month in preparation for some big changes around here. ย There have been many times that I thought about throwing in the towel altogether, but God has been faithful in providing me many reminders that it’s not about me and my struggles, but about empowering YOU to move beyond the mountains you are facing.
So as I write my final blog posting as Breething, I can’t think of a better way to wrap up this year-long adventure that we’ve been on together than to share some of the lessons of life and bloggingย that I’ve learned along the way.

Just in case you’re worried; the final posting as Breething does not mean the end of inspiring words and quirky stories here. ย Quite the opposite!

In fact, there are so many plans going on behind-the-scenes to make this blog a place of respite; where you can unload your burdens and come to know there is more in store for you, better than you can ever imagine, in Christ! ย Oh and some quirky life stories too! ๐Ÿ™‚

Very soon (as in 3 days!) you’ll be privy to what I’ve been working on, but under the nameย The Imperfect Vessel,ย so don’t be alarmed when things start changing on social media and everywhere youย follow me.

Lesson One: Not Everyone Will Understand

Let me begin by saying, these lessons apply to both life and blogging. ย I’ve always been “set apart” from society because ofย my family situation. ย I view the world through a very different lens than most and I hold a stronger bond with my family (siblings included) than many people I know and associate with. ย I am blessed beyond belief to have in my life the people whom I call my family. ย I love them dearly and attribute much of who I am today, to them. But at the same time, we’re different and with differences oftentimes come misunderstandings. ย And with misunderstandings often comes judgment. Judgment often sprouts pain and feelings of insecurity and inadequacy.

I’ve struggled with it for years, despite my pride and love for my family. ย I’ve taken medications, I’ve read books, I’ve tried meditation and even therapy. Nothing helped. ย And then while readingย A Confident Heart, I decided to hand it over to God, because He has always understood, even when I did not.

Blogging is a lot of work and with that amount of work behind-the-scenes, oftentimes comes a lot of stress, therefore I’ve partnered up with some incredible women in a variety of outlets who understand what it takes to keep a blog or small business going. ย We share our ups and downs, triumphs, and failures and we seek advice from one another when necessary.

When I brought a question regarding my new mission statement

(coming soon) to one group of ladies, I was met by great opposition, that I wasn’t really ready for. ย They couldn’t understand why I would decide to change what I had, they liked my current name and blog design, they thought that my new mission statement was fine, but lacked direction. ย YOUCH!

And here is where I nearly threw in the towel the first time. ย I thought I had prayed enough, I thought that I had come up with a great new plan with God’s guidance for bigger and better things, and these few came along and nearly ripped the rug out from under me.

I’m here to say, it’s okay. ย Not everyone will understand and that’s fine. As long as you’re in communication with God and followingย HISย lead, then what do you have to fear?

If God is for us, who can be against us. {Romans 8:31}

Lesson Two: Change For the Good Takes Time

Do I believe that the changes that I’m making to this space will bring me to the place that I hope and dream it will become? ย Someday, but that day won’t be tomorrow or even a month from now. ย Change for the good takes time.
Do I want to build stronger relationships with my readers? ย YES! ย Do I want to grow my eMinistry to reach out to more women who struggle with their own imperfections? ย YES! ย Do I hope to one day make this my full-time gig? ย YES! Do I believe that it will happen in the timeframe that I desire? ย Absolutely not!

From the get-go in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were looking for a path towards salvation after falling headfirst into a world of sin. ย But this hope and salvation did not appear overnight, even though it was within God’s power to save them.

Historians and Biblical scholars say that it took roughly 4000 years for the Savior of the world to come and reunite heaven and earth. ย The salvation that was sought in the Garden of Eden did not happen in Adam and Eve’s lifetime, or the lifetime of many others, yet they continued to have faith that it would one day arrive.

And though Jesus did come on the scene approximately 2000 years ago and helped to pave a way for our salvation, he also reminded us that though we will face many adversities, stumbling blocks, and heartaches, he has overcome and so shall we.

Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.ย But take heart, because I have overcome the world. ย {John 16:33}

My life has been a roller coaster of change. ย Different life choices have brought me, like aย labyrinth, away from God and back again. ย Have the changes taken place overnight? ย Has the healing of my broken heart been mended in an instant? ย No, but my Jesus has never left my side in all of it.
And He won’t leave you either.

As I conclude this last post as Breething, I want to take a moment to thank YOU! ย You have been my number one supporter, my cheerleader, my reason for continuing in this chaotic world of blogging. ย So thank you for sticking through it all with me!

Much love and virtual hugs!

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  1. First time here and when I read your post about being the last for breething, I was wondering how of all days it happened to be the first day I stepped unto your blog.
    Wow…, with what I’ve read, it’s been a journey so far and thank God for His strength made perfect in your weakness.
    I await your new Imperfect vessel and thank you for that encouragement you gave about Change for the good taking time. It resonated with me and I’m indeed grateful. May God strengthen you and keep you, and may His face shine upon you always.
    Much love. xo!

    1. Irony…nah, we’ll call it fate that God dropped you into this place just before a major transition, to come and witness the words that you needed in order to be encouraged and given renewed strength. I pray that you will start running towards your goals, not looking back because Christ is with you and will not allow you to stumble. I pray that you return soon to find the respite you need here at The Imperfect Vessel. Many blessings to you!

  2. My first time here & I enjoyed this post! Blogging is an immense amount of work & time. So very true. Wishing you the best of luck in your new endeavor ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope to visit you again!

    1. Amen to that, Joanne! I am so happy that you stopped by and I greatly appreciate your words of encouragement. I look forward to connecting with you again soon! #BeBlessed

  3. Bree, all valuable lessons you have learned. We will never receive all yeas by everyone. That’s we must proceed by the instructions of God rather than the approval of man. Blogging is quite the journey and it definitely has it ups and downs.

    1. Life and blogging is a definite journey of ups and downs, but I figure if the path was straight and narrow, it wouldn’t be worth pursuing, right? Thank you, as always, for your continued support! Many blessings, my sister!

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