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Day Twelve // The Best Yes

The Awkward Disappointment of Saying No / Ch. 12 – Pages 142 to 153

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Today’s post comes to us from the host of The Intentional Filling, Bree Blum.

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Isn’t it amazing that in today’s day and age that there’s really very little time for boredom to creep in?  If we find ourselves waiting in the checkout line at Target, out come our smartphones.  If our lunch date has excused themselves to the rest room, the clutch opens to let out that pesky phone again.

We avoid awkward silences at all cost.  We desperately grasp at some comment to fill the gaping void.

Awkward does this to us.  It makes us fidget. In the midst of trying to comfort what feels so uncomfortable, we just feed the monster.  Awkward gorges himself full of those insecure moments. – The Best Yes, Pg. 143

Insecure moments, oh goodness!  I could write a novel entitled as such!  Between awkward and disappointing encounters with guys through the years, and my over-planning having a tendency to backfire, I’ve got that genre pretty well covered.

I’m quite certain you could recite a time or two of your own where things didn’t go quite as planned.  Maybe your presentation was a total flop, you had to back out of a commitment at the last minute because there was a sick toddler at home, or maybe it was a time when nothing you did or said made a difference because someone else was too blind to any of your suggestions.

[Tweet “No matter the size of disappointment, don’t allow it to take up space on the shelf of your mind. @breemarie83”]

Lysa’s thoughts in this chapter are spot on for the ways that I have sometimes felt in the past; that if I wasn’t weary and running myself ragged, then I wasn’t working hard enough.

One thing we need to remember, it is not by our good deeds, no matter how Christian-like they appear, that allow us access to the Kingdom.  It is by taking a seat and resting in the knowledge that it is what Christ has done for us on the cross that matters.

Quote from The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst via The Imperfect Vessel Book Study - imperfectvessel.com

“Saying yes all the time won’t make me Wonder Woman.  It will make me a worn-out woman.”  – Lysa TerKeurst

So what does that mean for our busy lives and schedules?  It simply means that we don’t have to be so concerned with the viewpoints of others, especially when it comes to stepping back, sitting down and resting, when they would rather us be tackling a task that we have completed many times before.  We have the right to say maybe later or even No.

Best Yes answers are strong and courageous.  Strength and courage come from keeping God’s word close. – The Best Yes, Pg. 148

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Sweet sister please note this: In between where you are now and where you want to be will usually be a pathway of awkwardness.  A crowd of potentially disappointed people.  It’s your choice to shrink back from your Best Yes or embrace your Best Yes.

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