
Week Eight // Facebook Discussion

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We’ve reached the home stretch.  Can you believe that we’ve been together for eight weeks?  That we’ve been journeying together to encourage and uplift, to support and pray for one another as we learned just what a BEST YES decision was and how we could begin making them each day?

It’s crazy to think that so many of us were strangers just eight weeks ago.  Isn’t community and the love of God amazing!?!

Tonight will be our final discussion for the Winter study and it’s a bittersweet thing.  It has been such a blast getting to know each of you through the Facebook group and spending our Thursday evenings together!  I have been so blessed by your courage in signing up and becoming a part of the Intentional Filling community… Intentional Filling Family!

So you’ll be fully prepared in time for the discussion at 9 PM EST tonight (3/12):

  • Be sure to have as much of this week’s reading done (Ch. 18-19)
  • Select your favorite quote(s) from this week’s reading assignment
  • Set an alarm (if you’re forgetful/busy like me) so you don’t miss the start of our hour long discussion group – 9 PM EST
  • Get your heart and your mind ready for a lot of fun, a final giveaway, and some beautiful moments shared within this community – it’s ALWAYS a great time!

Hope to see you there!

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