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Lord, I’m Not Particular

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The acceptance of life, reality and what may not be what we had hoped and dreamed for, is often a challenge.  We grow up being groomed for a certain path in life, but are never prepared for what will happen if that path suddenly diverts towards a completely different destination.It’s easy to say that we are accepting of God’s will.  That what He wants, we want; to say Lord, I’m not particular, point me in the direction of Your choosing.

But do we ever really give up full control?

Lately I’ve been drawing a lot of inspiration from YouTube videos, often ones that I stumble across as if by accident, but I’ve come to know better.

Actually I stumbled across this song through my guilty pleasure of watching Dancing with the Stars last night as I hung out at my grandma’s house.  I’ve really enjoyed watching this season since a few of my favorite actresses growing up are on the show, but I never imagined that a song from one performance would seem so relevant with an internal struggle that has been waging inside of me for a long time.

Marie Miller’s song, 6’2 (see video above) is a song that could easily have been sung from my own heart.  It tells the story of a girl who is trying convey to God that she is willing to accept His will for her life, yet she keeps interjecting with her own directions that she feels would make it better.Don’t we all do this?  An earth-moving sermon is given on Sunday and we pray to God that this time we are willing to accept whatever He chooses for our lives. That we are willing to face any thing He choses to throw at us because it is a part of His will.  And then a day (or even an hour) later we find ourselves trying to manipulate His plan in order to meet our standards.
Wishy-washy faith is not unusual, it can even be found in Chrisitians that are firm in their faith.  It’s the struggle of Free Will, a gift (that sometimes feels like a curse) that God has given us.  It’s an opportuity for us to push through the obstacle course, running, or crawling if we must, towards the goal of meeting Him face to face one day.  We just have to decide to make the effort.
In a small group study I did a few years back, called The Reason for God, Timothy Keller, a NYC pastor and NY Times best selling author, sits down with six non-believers to discuss various myths and questions about Christianity.  One answer he gave that stood out to me was the reason why Christians follow the “rules” even if they seem impossible to follow and seem as though we’re being set up for failure.
He discusses that Christians follow the rules because (paraphrased) we’ve been forgiven through the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ.  It’s our way of saying, “this is how much I love you and what you’re done for me”.  It’s like a budding relationship where your heart is in your throat and you start making adjustments to your daily living so to be more accommodating and pleasing to your mate because you hope that they will make the same sacrifices for you.  For Christians the sacrifice has already been made.  It’s now our turn to do right by making sacrifices themselves.
[Tweet “Are you willing to fight for your faith, to stand at the finish line & say, I have overcome the world, just as Jesus did?”]

Tell me, how do you deal with the struggles of wishy-washy faith and the acceptance of God’s will for your life?

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  1. I so get this! God seems to constantly remind me and bring me back to saying those words — whatever You want — although they scare me every time. He knows what I need so much better than I do, and even when it doesn’t look like my dream plan, it keeps me on my path to Him so that’s all that matters.
    visiting from Just Write

    1. It sure is a scary thing to be brought to your knees while saying, “whatever You want” but it’s all about having faith that He will take care of us, no matter the circumstance or what we may feel is impossible. I’ll be praying for you as you continue along your path!

  2. I need to pick up that book! It’s true, the “rules” does seem hard to follow, but we know the sacrifice is already made. We now have to do our part. Everyday is a battle, but we are comforted to know that God is with us all the time.

    1. Kalley, I added a link to the post where you can order the book from Amazon. It’s a terrific book and study. I highly recommend you get the video that goes with it as well. Every day is a battle, you are right, but as long as we focus on the one who has overcome, we can as well! Be blessed!

  3. This is beautiful, Bree. Thank you so much for this reminder to stay strong in our faith, and drop the wishy-washiness of it. It is such truth and incredibly important for our daily lives. So glad to be your neighbor at A Harvest of Blessing’s linkup 🙂 ~Jenna // A Mama Collective

    1. Jenna, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read! I am blessed to know that you found inspiration from my words. The road is a difficult one to travel, but with God all things are possible! Hope to see you back again soon! Many blessings!

  4. Wow! That title captured me and I am glad that I stopped by to read this… I am currently working on a two-part lesson that I noticed while reading Matthew 16 last week. Jesus praises Peter in verse 17 and then just SIX VERSES LATER Peter is being reprimanded! Talk about wishy-washy faith! Reading your post allowed me to see this again through fresh eyes… thank you for this perspective!

  5. Bree,
    What a great post filled with so much truth! I may be the only guy to reply, but thats ok, Im secure in who Christ created me to be! 🙂
    I find that for myself, when I realize that life’s not about me but about him, I tend to be more obedient. There is a necessity to move outside of sinning as an option and holiness as a requirement. Paul says to the believers in Corinth that “it is required in stewards that they be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2).
    There is also an truthful element to what you mentioned in your blog about being grateful to God for his grace and showing that gratitude though obedience.
    I pray blessings in your life and thank you for the stand you take for Christ!

    1. Welcome Brian! I think you are the second man that has ever graced my comment section, so I thank you for being bold and putting yourself out there! Thank you also for your insight and such a relevant verse. Your prayers are very much appreciated, as well as your friendship! May the Lord continue to bless you in your journey with Him!

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