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Day Three // For the Love

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Chapter 3: On Calling And Haitian Moms – Pages 17-23

The last two years of my life I have been burdened with this modern day question of “what is my calling? My purpose? God, what do you have me here for?”  Surely, I cannot find meaning, and fulfillment in staying home with two young children. Always cleaning, cooking, and falling behind; not only on the physical work, but also in my grace-giving to everyone in my family.

I have always been discontent with my station in life because I felt like my life wasn’t going to start until my children were out of the house.  How can this be?  No way would God give me these amazing children and intend for me to not live my life now, right?

God knows the whole picture where we only know the pieces that have been given to us. So why do we always question and long for something more than what He has already given us?

“No future calling is any more important than your current station.” {For the Love}

Why, in my nice home, with food in my belly, a septic system that takes all of the waste and water we use out of our home (there is a story behind this simple recognition of blessing), a wonderful husband who cares for me and our two beautiful children, do I have even the slightest nerve to say, “this can’t be it.  God you have to have MORE for me than THIS.”

For some reason we think that God’s calling on our lives involves some big acknowledgment, platform, or financial wealth.  But, what if it is more about God’s calling and not OUR calling? Would our lives be more fulfilled?

What about the people in third world countries who have next to nothing?  They too have a calling and it doesn’t include any of those three items.

So, where does that leave me, other than wasting my days, longing for an answer that I already have? Talk about a conviction and slap from the Holy Spirit telling me to WAKE UP!

And, one day I will. I will wake up and realize that I never enjoyed my life, and for what?  Because I couldn’t stop and see what blessings and calling God had for me?  That isn’t how God wants me to live.  That isn’t how He wants you to live.

For God’s gifts and his call can never be withdrawn. – Romans 11:29

This means that where you are, right now, this season, your children, your work, your relationships, down to this very second is where God has you.  This is no accident.  Whether this is what you thought your life would look like or not, God is the one in control and His calling is the best calling.

As a prisoner of the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. – Ephesians 4:1

I hear God saying to me, “Becky, my dear daughter, you are worthy. I see you. I know you. But I have put you here, in your position to enjoy your children and to raise up warriors for the kingdom of God.”

So, pardon me as I hug my children a little tighter and repent to them for thinking they weren’t worthy of my “calling”, and thank God for giving me a life I never knew I wanted.

And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father. – Colossians 3:17

Take some time and talk with God and ask him to reveal to you a way to let go and find contentment and joy in your current situation.

In what ways do you struggle with this unrealistic “calling” as I do?

[divider] [row-start] [three-fourths]Becky Honore is a princess warrior who fights the everyday battles with a bottle of essential oils and has a passion to encourage women.

You can connect with her on Facebook and Instagram.[/three-fourths] [one-fourth]Rebecca Honore[/one-fourth] [row-end]

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