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Day Nine // The Best Yes

Show Up to Practice / Ch. 9 – Pages 101 to 113

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Today’s post comes to us from guest blogger, Jennifer Rauscher.

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For the last five years, I have been committed to showing up for church, a small bi-weekly Bible study group, a small life group with other individuals from my church , and praying and worshiping  the Lord….BUT I haven’t been practicing the  wisdom I’ve learned through showing up at these different activities.

As much as I have wanted to, I have not put forth the necessary effort and work required, thus when it comes time to use that much needed wisdom during decision making, I often fail God and myself.

Not only do we need to keep showing up at practice and giving it our all whether we succeed or fail, we need to practice wisdom from the Bible on a daily basis. Wisdom isn’t acquired easily and requires time and effort on our parts.

One of my biggest struggles is not necessarily time management, but lack of time in general. My schedule is overloaded with work and overbooked with appointments, meanwhile the time I should be committing to God and his Word are delayed and long overdue.

Getting into God’s word and letting God’s word get into me has been my intention for as long as I can remember, but sometimes intentions just aren’t enough. I need to prioritize and act on those intentions!

How I’m taking action

I am currently taking part in Beth Moore’s Living Proof Ministries Siesta Scripture Memory Team (SSMT) 2015. This entails memorizing 24 verses throughout the year, two for each month (the 1st and 15th of each month), which is totally doable for me.  I have decided to choose verses that mean something to me in my present season or circumstance.

God lead me to my first verse, which is pictured below. It has edified my soul and renewed my mind toward the present circumstance and challenge I am facing.  During this experience, my goal and hope is that my thinking will align with His truth and His wisdom.

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The Bible tells us if we lack wisdom to ask for it! Ask God to help you listen to His voice-the voice of wisdom-and give you a heart that is eager to practice wisdom in the decisions and challenges you are facing.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you”. James 1:5 (NIV)

Quote from The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst via The Imperfect Vessel Book Study - imperfectvessel.com

“Wisdom needs to be practiced day after day if we are going to know how to apply it to the Best Yes decisions when they come.”  – Lysa TerKeurst

Walk with Him daily using His gift of wisdom with each and every decision. Set your heart and mind on things above. If it helps, look in a mirror everyday and say to yourself,

“I am a wise woman. I will acquire wisdom that lifts me above this obstacle”.

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Jennifer Rauscher is a thirty something year old teacher, dog-lover and Jesus follower from Northeast PA. She loves home decor and has lots of projects to be worked on. She also loves American Sign Language (ASL) and selling Premier Designs jewelry.  Did you enjoy her post?  Be sure to leave a comment below for Jennifer and connect with her on Facebook, her life in pictures on Instagram, and see what she’s pinning on Pinterest.

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