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Car Seat Confessional

The car was idling out front as I left the warmth of our friends’ home after our small group’s first gathering of the year.  The residual joy lingered in my bones of being in the presence of these people once again after so many months.  I waved to her as she fiddled with something on the dash.  She rolled the passenger-side window down.

“You okay?  I’ve been praying for you”, I told her because I know that she’s been waging war with her own mind lately.

“Just trying to get warm before I get moving.  Wanna get in?”

I climbed in out of the cold and settled against the chilly leather seat.  And so opened the scene for another car seat confessional.

I’m not quite sure what it is about the two front-facing seats that allow conversation to flow so freely.  Maybe it is the intimacy, yet with the comfort of not having to make eye contact.  Or maybe it’s just the warmth of the engine running and the soft sounds of the radio in the background that lull us into a sense of safety.

We’ve found ourselves there before.  We’ve talked and laughed. We’ve prayed hard prayers.  In that space, tears have spilled over, as well as confessions.

And yes, someone could quite easily argue that the two of us are hazards to the environment for sitting in an idling car, sometimes for an hour or more, but what amount of damage we might be doing to the ozone, we’re making up with healing for our own hearts.

[Tweet “Goal for 2016: Be the hands and feet of Christ for others.”]

Maybe the front seat of a car is not the most ideal place for you to have these conversations.  Maybe you prefer it sitting in a coffee shop, warm mug in hand, or maybe it’s on your back deck.  Wherever that place may be, I have one prayer for you.

My prayer, my sweet one, is that you will not allow these moments to pass you by.  That you allow yourself to be emptied, in this God orchestrated moment, so that you may be filled up again.

Be the hands and feet of Christ for someone in your life.

[divider] [row-start] [three-fourths]Bree Blum is just your average single thirty-something book loving, oil using, cardigan wearing blogger who loves Jesus.

You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.[/three-fourths] [one-fourth][/one-fourth] [row-end]

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