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Bucket List

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Listed in no particular order.
Subject to change at any time.
  • Finish my Associates in Interpreting – May 10, 2013
  • Become a Nationally Certified Interpreter
  • Become Certified in Legal Interpreting
  • Write a Children’s Book
  • Write the story in my head of God’s Ray
  • Get writing published
  • Go back to England (for the 4th time…and 5th…and…)
  • Go to Ireland & Scotland
  • Have a cushioned checking and savings account
  • Visit Rome
  • See the Pacific Ocean
  • Learn how to quilt
  • Learn how to knit
  • Buy a bike and start riding it
  • Buy a sewing machine and make an article of clothing
  • Get paid to interpret
  • Have a Deaf individual compliment me on my signing
  • Buy a car – June 18, 2012
  • Meet The One ♥
  • Get married
  • Have children
  • Buy a house
  • Build my dream home
  • Ride an elephant
  • Go to Greece
  • Camp out under the Northern Lights
  • Invest in something
  • Learn how to read the market
  • Get a tattoo/henna of something worthy
  • Make a difference
  • Experience genuine happiness and contentment
  • Figure out God’s calling for my life
  • Be able to buy my parents something of worth
  • Go zip-lining
  • Be able to give back to causes that have a personal meaning to me
  • Visit Paris
  • Go to Portland
  • Visit Seattle
  • Swim with Dolphins
  • Be profitable in my small businesses
  • Fit into those size 10’s I’ve saved
  • Participate in The Color Run – October 12, 2013

* Completed items can be found in purple.

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    1. Thank you for your kind words. It is my prayer that the content that I share touches the lives and hearts of others. May you be blessed this day and always!

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