Week Three | The Feast of Unleavened Bread
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7 Feasts Online Biblical Study
Reading Assignment – Week Three (Pg. 86-117)
Listen to the Audio version | Reading Time: 4 minutes
Baguettes, Biscuits, Rolls, Cornbread, Banana bread, Breadsticks, Wheat bread, Soft Pretzels
Yummy! Anyone else hungry now?
I admit I am a bit of a carb-aholic. I love bread! I took asking for and thanking God for my daily bread very literally for a long time.
I don’t remember the exact date that I gained a fuller understanding of what Jesus was actually teaching us when He talked about bread. However, I do remember how instead of my stomach, my spirit suddenly felt hungry for more of Him.
Bread of Life
Jewish rabbis frequently use symbolism with everyday materials and events to teach in a way which allows their followers to fully grasp and experience what they are learning and be reminded of it whenever they see the objects from these lessons.
Naturally, Jesus taught in this same style. It makes complete sense that shortly after the miracle, when over 5,000 people ate bread from one small boy’s lunch, that when His disciples asked Him about the bread from heaven their ancestors ate in the wilderness, Jesus responded symbolically.
Then Jesus declared, ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.‘
John 6:35, NIV
In the book, 7 Feasts, Erin Davis points out to us many times how Jesus wasn’t just symbolized by any random type of bread. Jesus made it clear that He was as unleavened bread is, pure without the yeast (sinfulness).
“Just as the spotless Passover lamb is a picture for Christ’s purity, the unleavened bread God asked His people to eat during the Feast of Unleavened Bread is a picture of His sinlessness. Jesus, the Bread of Life, is untainted by the leaven of sin.”
erin davis, Pg. 97 of “7 feasts”
Unleavened Bread
During the time when Jesus was celebrating Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, He took one of the thin loaves and stated that this particular type of bread was a symbol of His body.
While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when He had given thanks, He broke it and gave it to His disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.”
Matthew 26:26, NIV
Recalling when He said,
I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
John 6:51, NIV
Jesus, our unleavened bread, lived a pure, holy, sinless life on this earth. No one else, nope not even one other can claim such a remarkable achievement.
I’m so thankful Jesus gave us the tangible reminder, of His perfection and of His atoning sacrifice that He made for us when He instructed us to remember Him when we partake in communion.
During this wilderness season of a global pandemic, I’ve been so thankful to be reconnected with a couple of my former churches through their online worship and prayer services.
In March of 2020, one of my pastors offered a time of prayer every evening and led us through communion. This was a little different than being in the actual church building where the elements would be distributed to us in our seats.
I didn’t have any unleavened bread in my house, so I took a piece of what I had available and trusted God would understand. And with my small glass of juice, I sat down at my computer. I was ready to remember, repent, and to give thanks.
While the pastor shared a word and prayed, I realized I wasn’t gently holding the piece of bread in my hand anymore. I was clinging to it tightly like I was holding on for dear life. When I opened my hand I saw my fingers left impressions on the bread.
As if my eyes had just been opened, I saw this beautiful symbol in the physical of what was happening in the spiritual.
I saw that more than anything I was (and still am) clinging, clenching tight my fist, holding onto Jesus for dear life. My hand was gripping onto this symbol of the body of my Lord and Savior, Jesus, who was pure and without sin.
Jesus already took care of this messy, scary world. He is victorious and is our hope, and strength through this wilderness.
He welcomes us to cling to Him so tightly that our hands leave impressions on Him.
It’s okay to hold tightly to Him as we apologize, repent and give thanks.
Wrap your hands around the Unleavened Bread of Life, Jesus our Savior, and hold on tight!
1. Jesus taught using symbolism and object lessons.
2. Jesus is like unleavened bread, untainted by yeast and sin.
3. The bread we eat is a symbol of Jesus’ body and a reminder of His sacrifice.
4. Cling tightly to Jesus.
Do you have a favorite memory of a particular time you took communion? Please share this story with us and why it is so meaningful to you.
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Seven Feasts | Erin Davis
An 8-week study where we’ll dive into the sacred celebrations of Israel and discover how these ancient traditions reveal the beauty of Jesus Christ. We’ll trace the Gospel throughout each feast with daily Scripture readings, interactive questions, and space for asking difficult questions.
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My early memories of Communion, even before I was a part of it, were that I knew when my pastor announced it the service would, ugh, be even longer. Then four men would walk to the back of the auditorium, line up and make a great stomping noise walking down the center aisle together. At the front they would each be given a plate of bread and walk to their assigned aisle, the pastor would read the relevant part of scripture, and then this would be repeated for the cup.
As an adult, I learned to love a couple of things about communion. First, I can’t get through the Bible passages without having tears in my eyes. I remember being taken by surprise, years after having regular communion, that the familiar words one day went past my head and to my heart.
Secondly, I love it when our pastor hands out the elements–it’s such a protective, beautiful gesture.