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Waiting on God

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His sandals probably squeaked from theย water pouring off His feet, as He made His way past the crowd that hadย gathered at the banks of the river. ย I imagine He smiled at the faces that looked back at Him in wonder at what they had just witnessed (Matthew, Mark, andย Luke). ย Did He know what was waiting for Him beyond the crowd?

The heavens had just opened, the Spirit descended in the form of a dove and God spoke His blessing over Jesus,ย His Son, in which He is well pleased. ย But just steps away, in the wilderness, Jesus spent a period of 40 days being tempted by the Devil. ย And on top of that, He went without eating for that time.

Talk about the ultimate excuse for being hangry! ย But He wasn’t, not even when the Devil persisted with His attempts of trickery.

“If You are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.”
โ€”Luke 4:3

Tell this stone. ย Jesus could have done it. ย He spoke creation into being. ย He created that stone that the Devil held before Him. ย But He resisted.

“I will give You all of the kingdoms of the earth, theirย splendor and all this authority, because it has been given over to me, and I can give it to anyone I want. ย If You, then, will worship me, all will be Yours.”
โ€”Luke 4:5-7

All will be Yours. ย Jesus could have taken it. ย Heย created all of the people within those kingdoms. ย Heย created man and woman for the purpose of worshiping Him. ย But He resisted.

He knew that He would soon receive something to satisfy His temporary hunger. ย Still He knew that what He was being offered would eventually become His. ย He just had to wait on God’s perfect timing.

I’ve been waiting too. ย Not for bread or for kingdoms to fall down at my feet, but for a change of status of the ring-finger of my left hand.

I have been single for 6.5 years, and in that time I have watched countless friends and loved ones walk down the aisle, and usher in precious bundles of joy into their homes and lives. ย And I’m still a party of one.

Waiting on God is hard. ย Though I understand that my single status does not define me, even thousands of years later, the Devil is still up to his tricks, as he tries to convince me that the time I’ve waited for God and for a man to take notice, demonstrates that I am unworthy and unloved.

No matter what you may be waiting for, I’m sure you’ve been dealt your fair share of trickery, since none of us are exempt.

Likewise, none of us are exempt from His notice. ย We are worthy and we are loved.

“What is the price of five sparrowsโ€”two copper coins? Yet God does not forget a single one of them. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So donโ€™t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.”
Luke 12:6-7

My sweet fellow Peony, Natalie of A Tiny Traveler, has recently opened an Etsy shop where she shares some stunning designs. ย At her invitation to visit her shop, I was immediately drawn to these three designs.

[one-third]Artwork by Tiny Traveler Creative - enjoy during the wait[/one-third] [one-third]Artwork by Tiny Traveler Creative - enjoy during the wait[/one-third] [one-third-last]Artwork by Tiny Traveler Creative - enjoy during the wait[/one-third-last]

Visit Tiny Traveler Creative and use the coupon codeย TENOFF to save 10% off your purchase.

What beautiful reminders that no matter what path we’re traveling, or season we may find ourselves in, we are worthy, loved, chosen and redeemed!

Jesus resisted the temptations of bread and power because waiting on God is possible. ย Jesus resisted the temptations because we are worth the wait!

In what areas of your life are you waiting on God?


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  1. Bree,

    Thank you for reminding me of His faithfulness in the waiting. That we are still ever so much his bride and treasure. Just when the devil tries to deceive us, God is right there grinning ear to ear waiting to show us His undying love for us. ๐Ÿ™‚

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