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Today’s Special

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Today’s Special, not special as in there’s something uniquely exciting going on, or even that TV show from the 1980s with Jeff, Jodie, Sam and Muffy.  Today’s special as in this is what’s going on today… an idea that I totally stole from Katy over at Handmade Escapade.  She has the cutest blog about her business, her family and the happenings in her life.  She’s also happens to live here in Wheeling.  So thanks, Katy, for the inspiration!!


Build Your Kingdom Here from the album, Campfire.
– Rend Collective Experiment

I came across this song by accident really and I simply cannot get enough of it.  It’s very Mumford-esque, kinda Appalachian-like, but traditionally Irish.  And there’s just something about this song and this group’s intentions that speak to my heart. The simplicity of their message; the plea for God to take our nation back, and that we are the church, here to fulfill His purpose.  Ahh, and they sing it around a campfire!  There’s nothing more intimate or more spiritual, I feel, than worshiping and praising God in His creation, around a campfire, lifting voices into the night.



If you know anything about me, I love to read and because I love to read, I collect books, like…it’s an obsession. (Maybe I should have written this under obsessing…hmm.) Anyways, a few weeks back, while on vacation, I finished reading Dan Brown’s newest release, Inferno, that is another attention-grabber at page one.  It’s probably my favorite of all of his novels, with Angels and Demons falling close behind.  If you’re looking for an action-packed read, full of history, references to other great literary writings such as Dante’s Inferno and the issues that modern man faces in this vastly populated earth, you’ll love this one!  

As per my ever-growing collection, I have a pile of books waiting to be read, but I am currently working on The Other Boleyn Girl and The Plum Tree.  Both are historical in nature and both I’m struggling to find time to read.  Once I can get the rest of my homework completed for the class I’m taking at Gallaudet, I might be able to pick them back up…as long as I remembered to use a bookmark!



My taste in TV shows is rather eclectic, but three of my favorites are currently running and thanks OnDemand, I’ve been able to keep up with them this summer, alongside my brother who even has a TV schedule written up so we don’t forget! Thanks A!

It breaks my heart that Burn Notice is in it’s final season.  There’s just something about that dangerous Michael Weston that I can’t get enough of!

Suits is another phenomenal show that is full of all kinds legal twists and romantic turns. I have something for law shows and the characters in this one keeps me coming back each season.

Then there is Switched at Birth, a TV show that is breaking barriers with every episode as it prominently features Deaf and Hard of Hearing actors. I’m proud to watch the interest it is sparking in those wanting to learn to sign.



Well as you have been reading that I’m Still Breething even though as of lately, I have been buried up to my eyeballs in books that hold the answers to so many questions that have to be reviewed before I can take (and hopefully pass) the National Interpreter Certification exam for sign language interpreting.

I’m just amazed at how in-depth this field really is!  You may have seen an interpreter doing their thing at concert, graduation ceremony, or seen Lydia Callis, the interpreter made famous as she expressed the concerns of Mayor Bloomberg during Hurricane Sandy, but did you ever realize that it’s not just standing up there repeating every word using your hands?  This field is very strict on professionalism, following the Code of Professional conduct, as we carefully navigate through tricky ethical situations in various settings with clients whom we may have only met 20 minutes before the assignment.  It’s a lot to take in and so even though I’m not in school this fall, I still learning!



I started writing this bit and came up with a whole new blog post on its own, Growth in Waiting (click here to read more), which features some new found thinking and attitudes that I am adopting into my walk in faith and in a “search” for the right one.  This thinking is in part due to some great teachings I’ve heard recently at my church, but also from a viral blog post and the exciting revelation of the newly release book, The Single Woman, by Mandy Hale.



Wishing upon wish that Olive Garden’s Pumpkin Cheesecake could be low in calories.  I had the utmost privilege to eat a piece the other night after a ridiculously filling dinner and I suddenly forgot about how full I was…all I could do was enjoy the amazing flavors packed into this little sliver of goodness.

Okay, so I’ll do an extra 4 miles on the trail or another day of extreme Zumba because it’s so WORTH IT!



Zumba, oh how I love thee!  I’m still amazed that not even 3 months into this that I have fallen in love (or rather become obsessive) with my Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning workouts!  I’ve gotten out of bed in the early morning hours on a Saturday to go sweat!  I’ve even gone to an high-intensity Zumba class, complete with ab workout at the end.  I’ve bought new workout clothes, running shoes, an armband to wear my iPhone when I walk to and from class.  Luckily it loves me just as much as I love it, by allowing me to lose 20 pounds and 3 pant sizes in under 3 months!



Next weekend, Saturday – August 17th at 6:30pm, my brother and I, as well as some other great friends will be walking in the Debby Green 5k here in Wheeling.  This is my first 5k and I’m looking forward to being a part of something that holds a special meaning to me and my community.  We’re walking for Team Randy Stephens, an inspiring young man that I went to church with, whom lost his battle to cancer this past February, but won the ultimate prize of being reunited with his Lord & Savior. I’m looking forward to honoring him alongside his family and friends.

And that concludes this week’s “Special”, stop back to read about what’s keeping Bree “breething” in weeks ahead!

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